Notorious the B.I.G movie


Active Member
I heard it was prettty good. Which I am very happy to hear because despite being a huge Biggie fan, I really didn't have high expectations for the movie >.>


Well-Known Member
i heard lil kim was pissed because it didn't portrait her correctly. biggies family said "fuck lil kim, this ain't about her". :shock:


Well-Known Member
I was watching the previews and it said that it was going to be the most proclaimed movie in entertainment history. Or something like that. I couldn't help but laugh.


Well-Known Member
Yea? damn it looked kinda cheesy, i might have to fork out the 20 buccs to go see it haha


Well-Known Member
no problem. you have to pay $20 to see a movie? that's absurd; but if you like Biggie then you'll be glad you spent it.


Well-Known Member
lol yeeeeah man I hear you. I didn't smoke before I saw this movie...I'm definitely going to smoke before my bloody valentine though haha


Well-Known Member
haha thats movie looks so cheesy, yea i like to use cheesy, pass it around, that one blonde bitch they show in the commercial cracc's me up every time i see it :lol: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it looks cheesy, but being stoned out of your mind with the 3D would be sick. but when I smoke and watch a movie, I usually think too much about it and become such a critic. I just wanna freak out...horror movies have definitely sucked over the past couple of years.