Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

I think Europe will get hammered with it, with it spreading in the ME and all the refugee movement there is no way to slow it down.
Slowing it down until a vaccine is developed seems to be the strategy, it seems very contagious and at the rate its going I don't think containment will work for long in an age of international air travel, but its all we've got. This thing breaking into the middle east and conflict zones will be very bad news for those trying to contain this bug. The Korean data is troubling, either the Chinese were under reporting it or the bug mutated, either of which is bad news. They're working overtime on a vaccine, let's hope they get one out soon.
It may not have been engineered but I still think it was a leak from the Wuhan lab, they were collecting bat viruses and the market supposedly was not selling any bats.
Immunologist: We are clearly at the brink of a pandemic

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, explains what a pandemic is and says we're nearly at the brink of one with the novel coronavirus outbreak.
There were two caucasian travelers wearing the same medical masks on a flight from CA to Denver the other day. One older guy and a young woman. They were not together. Needless to say, I didn't sit near them... we'll see.
South Korea is seeing a daily doubling rate for the last few days. That's still only 540 cases but it's not a pretty picture. It will probably spread badly in the Philippines.
South Korea is seeing a daily doubling rate for the last few days. That's still only 540 cases but it's not a pretty picture. It will probably spread badly in the Philippines.
They have little in the form of health infrastructure as do many countries in the region, we should be mobilizing resources in anticipation of this kind of thing and sending aid, vaccines too when we get them. The poor will be especially vulnerable both to to infection and poor outcomes, it will be a tragedy and add misery to already hard lives. I used to work with folks from philippines and they have a large immigrant community here in Canada.
It may not have been engineered but I still think it was a leak from the Wuhan lab, they were collecting bat viruses and the market supposedly was not selling any bats.
You may be right.

But still, I want Trump to be served bat sushi from China every day he takes a golfing vacation.
World data is still skewed by the fact that China most of the cases are, at this point, still in the People's Republic of China. The emerging outbreak in South Korea is hopefully going to provide better raw data (and a better prognosis) as the public there is being tested vigorously and there doesn't seem to be a politically motivated cover-up. Cases have nearly doubled in about a day, everyday in South Korea for the past 5 days. I'm guessing a 1.1 day doubling rate or there-about. Pretty fucking alarming.

World 2019NCoV stats:

78,777 Confirmed cases
23,258 Confirmed recovered
11,553 Critical condition
2,462 Fatalities

South Korea confirmed cases by date:

February 18: 31 cases
February 19: 58 cases
February 20: 111 cases
February 21: 209 cases
February 22: 433 cases

This virus is now confirmed to be spreading in 33 countries. More than 750 people are suspected to be infected in Iran, which would also be another outbreak in its early stages.
Holy shit, 325 people in Michigan being monitored but not quarantined. There was only like 3 people a few weeks ago.

There are many people being monitored (volunteer quarantines) all through the country. State and medical officials are on a gag order from the CDC to not disclose any information. The cruise ship and in recent days South Korea, Italy and Iran just show how high the Rnaught of this thing is. Get ready people this is coming to a county near you.

I moved the wife and kids out of Bangkok up to the farm with her mom and uncle last month. I don't trust the Thai government. 35 cases in Thailand just don't add up, same with Indonesia... Call me crazy but I have been preparing for this since January 17th. Sucks being stuck in the states so far away... the wife's Visa/US citizenship is almost complete.... such a long process but totally worth it. But this virus is going to screw everything up. Fucking WHO with their heads up China's ass could've prevented the spread of this.
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A lesson from history about pandemics
Secret History, Killer Flu
There are many people being monitored (volunteer quarantines) all through the country. State and medical officials are on a gag order from the CDC to not disclose any information. The cruise ship and in recent days South Korea, Italy and Iran just show how high the Rnaught of this thing is. Get ready people this is coming to a county near you.

I moved the wife and kids out of Bangkok up to the farm with her mom and uncle last month. I don't trust the Thai government. 35 cases in Thailand just don't add up, same with Indonesia... Call me crazy but I have been preparing for this since January 17th. Sucks being stuck in the states so far away... the wife's Visa/US citizenship is almost complete.... such a long process but totally worth it. But this virus is going to screw everything up. Fucking WHO with their heads up China's ass could've prevented the spread of this.
I hope everything turns out well for you and for your family. Best wishes.
The coronavirus spread in South Korea is now considered an outbreak as cases skyrocket past the supply of test kits. Many of those tests are still being conducted as the number of cases soars past 800. Very few in Korea have died of the disease at this point but it should be expected to continue to spread. Only 6 patients are listed as critical so the current explosion of cases is only now coming out of the incubation period. That outbreak should peak before July but it's hard to tell without trustworthy data from the People's Republic of China.

World stats (skewed by CCP cover-up)

79,707 confirmed cases
25,220 confirmed recovered
11,567 critical condition
2,626 fatalities

The are confirmed cases in 36 countries.
It is spreading, but not super crazy numbers so far. I just read that "during the winter of 2017-8, over 800,000 Americans were hospitalized with influenza, with 61,000 flu related deaths."
It may be organic, but it just knocked the stuffing out of the stock market and could trigger a recession in an already weak economy, unemployment means no more healthcare for many in America and their families as a pandemic approaches. Donald Trump is running the show and will deal with any financial crises, think he'll fuck it up bigly? He did bankrupt a casino and I believe he is the only person ever to manage his way to such a feat of incompetence. Also a pandemic would see healthcare premiums skyrocket as would the costs to the providers with mass hospitalizations etc.
Dow plunges 1,000 points as coronavirus cases surge in South Korea and Italy
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