Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

This map tracks the coronavirus in real time
(CNN)The number of novel coronavirus cases is changing quickly. A real-time tracking map shows us just how quickly.
The map from Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering follows coronavirus cases across the world.
The dashboard collects data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Chinese website DXY, which aggregates data from China's National Health Commission and the CCDC. The results populate a worldwide view of coronavirus cases in real time.

Dont forget how seeing a doctor almost requires a loan to afford, many will die just cause they are unable to see one, or wont miss work due to fear of losing money and becoming homeless, so expect the minimum wage/poor to spread it even more.
Did they person who just made your drive thru order look a little pale? Did the starbucks lady just Sneeze? Is that Janitors nose running?
All those at the bottom that are overlooked by the rich, will be the downfall....
A hospital is the last place in the world I'd want to be and if you go to one for a cold you're either going to spread it and then very little care will be available for you anyway because they can't do shit, OR, it will turn out to be nothing and you'll have wasted resources while putting yourself at risk of catching it.

Don't go to a hospital if you catch it, just call a doctor or med center. They'll ask you questions and if they decide you're a risk, they'll send someone to test you. I can't imagine CDC workers asking you for any money. Please shove the sensational crap elsewhere.
This map tracks the coronavirus in real time
(CNN)The number of novel coronavirus cases is changing quickly. A real-time tracking map shows us just how quickly.
The map from Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering follows coronavirus cases across the world.
The dashboard collects data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Chinese website DXY, which aggregates data from China's National Health Commission and the CCDC. The results populate a worldwide view of coronavirus cases in real time.

Day old info. China stopped sharing about it, back to covering it up.
It's a little like playing the lottery, might just get the sniffles or die. I'm over 60 and have had health problem ever since I survived meningitis about 6 years ago, I'll be a little careful in public from now on till this hopefully blows over.
Not sure how factual but I read today that it has possibly mutated
I read something about it as well but it supposedly didn't result in a base protein shift, so it doesn't cause the virus to be able to bind with any cell types it couldn't before.

2019nCoV itself was said to be the result of a recombination. Basically two strains of coronavirus (common cold) infected the same cell and the result was something new. This is a vast oversimplification and unproven but from what I have read, mutation isn't a major concern at this time. Multiple agencies are racing toward a treatment and apparently making some headway.

An interesting thing is MERS or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, also known as the Camel Flu. It isn't an influenza virus though, it's coronavirus. It is thought that a camel was the vector or that the mutation occurred through a genetic recombination as a result of a camel becoming infected with a strain from a bat. That virus ended up being a real sadist, killing a third of those it infected.

What is worrisome is the utter lack of new information out of China for a day. All of Hubei province is still on complete lockdown and new hospitals are being hastily erected. What sticks out to me is that if it were only spread to 6k people, as the CCP would have the world believe, there would be no need for a new hospital, let alone two in one area, being erected at a frantic pace. Meanwhile, the CCP is back to censoring the internet and arresting people even in Hong Kong who talk about it.
So to break this down, basically why this virus is causing such a panic, there are two numbers to consider and a third number is also pertinent but not so much as the first two:

the CFR and the R0, that's the Case Fatality Rate and the rnot which I will compare with H1N1 which is the swine flu strain responsible for the 1918 epidemic and still kills tens of thousands per year. It sickened a fifth of the world's population in 2009. R0 is basically the number of people who will get infected by each sick person. Anything above 1 means that the disease will spread and anything below means it will peter out on its own.

Case Fatality Rate:
H1N1 = 0.02%
2019nCoV = >2% (some estimates higher but none are below 2% at this time)

H1N1 = 1.28
nCoV = 2.3-5 (initially lower but confirmed asymptomatic patients contagious)

and the third number to watch is the serious complication rate (ICU bed requirement)
H1N1 is under 1%
nCoV is up to 20%

However, this last number is mostly pertinent to societal fear and public concerns. People will panic and go to a hospital and others will not know what comorbidities are relevant. However, it does lend credibility to the reports that this illness is extremely painful and unpleasant.
The reason why this virus seems to cause more serious complications is the extreme inflammation in the lungs called ARDS or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Basically it's like Pneumonia but way worse, affecting the entirety of the lungs and compounded by your own immune response. The alveoli fill with proteinaceous fluid which completely block oxygen exchange. The only way to apparently survive this, if you get to this stage, is to get hooked up to a ventilator, get extremely calm to reduce the requirement for oxygen and deal with inflammation. The risk here is hypoxia. Lung ailments therefore should be considered the primary comorbidities associated with 2019nCoV. However, there are also reports of kidney failure associated with this epidemic which is likely caused by dehydration and there are many conditions which also increase one's risk of this complication.
An update posted to various media outlets in the last hour:

7700 cases confirmed in China with 170 confirmed fatalities attributed to 2019nCoV.

These figures were immediately disputed by Hong Kong researchers.
I don't think we'll see any real numbers until it's done for the virus in another infected country.
I agree, the CCP is doing everything it can to cover this up but they're also apparently trying to keep it contained within PRC, although initially they pretty much ensured its spread abroad. I'd be mostly concerned with Thailand and Canada. Thailand because so many PRC tourists visited just before the scare and indeed there have been 14 confirmed cases, although the Thai crackdown on info was even more severe than in PRC. However, Thailand is the most visited country in the world and at any given time there are tourists from so many different countries intermingling and fucking. That's why so many PRC guys go there and earn the nickname 3-3-3 (3 inches, 3 minutes, 3 thousand baht) and really, it's Thailand, don't hate me for pointing out that they have an actual standing army of whores. Sorry, not sorry.

Canada because so many people were very recently under investigation and still are suspected of having the virus, while some have been confirmed to have it. Given the characteristics of this virus and the way it spreads, it seems likely to me that a major outbreak is underway there.