Novice...have I diagnosed correctly


Active Member
Hi I am a novice grower with a couple of 1 plant grows under my belt and new to this forum. I have used the info I have found here and discovered 3 of my 4 babies are living in PH 8+ soil. I bought a soil test kit and the only plant doing what its supposed to is the flowering one with a PH of 7.5 All 3 of the four are in pots and the flowering one is in the ground.

I made up the soil from a few different potting mixes and some local soil. Had been using canna vega at a rate of 3 ml per litre every three days on a couple of them. From what I now understand I have overfeed them and this may have added to the issues. :sad:

I have attached some pics and would really appreciate some advice as to wether I am on the right track and how to fix the issue. I have heavily watered 2 days ago and checkedthe ph again today which shows me there has been about a .5 drop. I have also stopped feeding for the moment.

Should this fix the problem or should I add some sulphurgranules or similar
Hope I haven’t forgotten any important info. I have also attached some PICS

Thanks to the info on this site...its been a huge help.:lol:



Active Member
Plant in the ground looks over watered , which ever plant that leaf pic is off that is nute burn

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Active Member
Do you know what seasol is ? 100 ml to 10 litres is my preffered dosage next time use that when you flush to deal with pH issues

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Active Member
Thanks jebcorlis...I have seasol and will give them all a dose next time I water. Its weird the one in the ground was given a water the day I took that picture and it had been at least 48hrs prior to that it was watered, is there some other reason why this plants tends to look very droopy within 36 hrs of watering. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
How hot is it? Those look like Sativa's and ....
The ones in the ground look:

  • this plants tends to look very droopy within 36 hrs of watering.​

They are for some reason drying out, or staying wet longer than the ones in pot....
Logic would tell us, that one in pot is drying out faster...
Do you water with same amount?
The water in the in ground plants the water drains where ? To the roots and prob... stays there ...
Are you just over watering the ground plants... or under watering them...
That is the question....

Same medium--DIRT? Or soil in one...


Active Member
It is (plant In ground )over watering the ones in pots are draining faster , I use seasol right through the grow it helps my plants deal with any extremes eg temp over or under water , it is good stuff


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Sand4x105. The one in the ground is in the same soil as the pots. I dug a 650 x 650 x650 hole and then filled with made up soil. Couldn't dig it any bigger due to the amount of bluestone in the ground.

We have just come out of a 5-6 day heatwave with temps over 40 for a number of them and more recently the temps are all in the mid to low 30's

I would usually water the in ground plant every 1-2 days depending on the weather and if the plant is looking droopy. I have been using a liquid fertiliser mixed with water so tried to balance out how much the plant got depending on if its a feed day.

The one in the ground that is flowering seems to be very thirsty and I'd give it about 10ltr water each time I water. The pic that is 605x800 is in a pot and I water that about every 3 days until the water runs out the bottom. I did notice yesterday that when I tested the ph using a soil ph test kit the liquid had difficulty mixing with the soil.

the 549x409 pic is in a bucket and seems to have grown through the bottom and into the soil below. This one is doing the best apart from the flowering one.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Lets start with the pic of the yellowing leaf. Where is it located on the plant? Is there good looking growth above that point? If so your FINE, it's corrected!

Now, as to the pH......I don't see any problem showing on those pictures at all!!!!!! Forget about it! Your readings maybe from an area of the soil that's high at that changes!

As Far as watering goes.....Stick your finger in the soil everyday when the sun's first up (or as close as you can get) down to your first knuckle in the pots and to your second in the ground....feel moist? = don't water. Feel dry = water.

With pots on the ground and water/feed solution running through them,,,,the roots will grow through into the ground. That's ok, just DON'T try and move them.

Everything looks GOOD.

Keep going.


Active Member
Thanks Dr Who the leaf comes from the bottom of one of the lower limbs and it seems to be only a few. I will follow your water rule and keep an eye on it. I must say the kit I used to test the PH seemed Ok but have retested yesterday and the flowering one seems to be close to normal.(Just gave that a good flush) The others are still showing higher than 7 PH but less than the first time I checked. It could also be the way I completed the test as it all new to me and of course the accuracy of the test relies on your ability to match the correct colour with the chart so there is certainly a good chance that I have got it wrong. I haven't feed for over a week now and given them all at least a half decent flush. I did move the PH8 plant to under a small tree to give it some shelter from our 42c day. I checked before I moved and there were no roots going into the ground so have taken the opportunity to move to a more heat friendly spot. It will still get good late afternoon sun and early morning sun. The other Potted one has rooted through the bottom and into the soil and seems to be doing great (Photo 549x409 199kb)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
AH HAH! pH strips! Anything you add of color to the soil (nutes, amendments, etc) CAN affect the color of pH test strip readings!
I can tell by the look of your plants you have no pH issues.....
Also something to note, is that the pH of the soil changes due to many factors through out the day. (watering/feeding, moisture content, temp, etc) Many may argue,,,,but it's self regulating in soil!
If your plants are happy,,,, don't change anything.


Active Member
Thanks Dr

Here's an update of photos taken very recently

Plant 1.jpg
This the latest Pics of Plant 1 (orginal I know) that showed a reading of 7.5

Plant 2.jpg
This is Plant 2 which showed a reading of about 8

Plant 2 Leaf.jpg
This leaf has turned like this in the last 24 hrs and came off what would be the lower part of plant 2

The Ph testing kit is one where you take various soil samples from the same plot/area and test with a solution and dusting powder and this then turns a color you match on the chart I was hoping it was a touch better than litmus paper ha ha

I have only been watering these plants no fertiliser at all for the last 7 days




Active Member
Quick Update - its raining good soaking rain...not really heavy but everything is getting a good drink. Supposed to be the same tomorrow. :-)