Now legal. Wut 'bout landlord trouble?

@TacoMac were i live it's against the law for a landlord to enter a dwelling without 24 hours notice no matter what they put in the contract. And my landlord doesn't give a crap as long as i have no pets or aquariums, water beds or water filled furniture he is good. Thankfully my landlord is not you hell i have bongs enail & weed sitting out wile i'm gone and they come for repairs....
What was the probable cause?

You're a complete idiot.

I'm not a cop. I don't need probable cause. I'm the damned owner. In your contract you sign, I have the right to enter and inspect the property. It is, after all, MY property.

But just to explain it completely so your pea brain can understand it, here's what went down in one case:

I own several duplex units. Late one night I get a call from one renter who is concerned about the people next door. They keep messing around out back in the wee hours of the morning dragging an apparently very heavy foot locker across the concrete patio. The locker has chains and padlocks on it and it took two men to put it into the storage closet. They thought it was very strange. So did I.

So I told the callers I would speak with them about it the next day. Later that morning, around 8:30am I knocked on the door. I spoke with the tenant that answered the door about what had been reported to me and that I was concerned about it. He said it was just some stuff he was storing and it was nothing to worry about. I then explained to him that making lots of noise late at night / early in the morning is frowned upon and to please refrain from doing it in the future. He assured me it wouldn't happen again.

Two weeks later, I get the same phone call about the same thing again. At that point, I called the police, told them everything I've just told you, and asked them to meet me at the property because I was very suspicious about what they were doing at 2 in the morning with a chained up, apparently very heavy foot locker.

The police met me there and asked the tenants what was going on. They saw me standing at the end of the driveway, so they knew it was me that had called them.

The police asked if they could inspect the trunk on my behalf to put everyone's mind at ease. One of the men that was in the duplex took off running right then. He was chased down and they were both cuffed and put in the back of the car.

I then signed a release allowing the police to enter and inspect the entire duplex and it's contents. It took about another 2 hours for a lock smith to show up and open the trunk.

In it were just short of 200 pounds of explosives. What they had it for, I don't know. Nor do I care.

But that's how it goes down, pal. That's how it works. Somebody calls me, I can go look or call the police and have them look. It's just that easy.
Well, that's the law. That's how it works. That is my point.

You people watch WAY too much TV drama and think you know what you're talking about. You don't. Not even close.
You're a complete idiot.

I'm not a cop. I don't need probable cause. I'm the damned owner. In your contract you sign, I have the right to enter and inspect the property. It is, after all, MY property.

But just to explain it completely so your pea brain can understand it, here's what went down in one case:

I own several duplex units. Late one night I get a call from one renter who is concerned about the people next door. They keep messing around out back in the wee hours of the morning dragging an apparently very heavy foot locker across the concrete patio. The locker has chains and padlocks on it and it took two men to put it into the storage closet. They thought it was very strange. So did I.

So I told the callers I would speak with them about it the next day. Later that morning, around 8:30am I knocked on the door. I spoke with the tenant that answered the door about what had been reported to me and that I was concerned about it. He said it was just some stuff he was storing and it was nothing to worry about. I then explained to him that making lots of noise late at night / early in the morning is frowned upon and to please refrain from doing it in the future. He assured me it wouldn't happen again.

Two weeks later, I get the same phone call about the same thing again. At that point, I called the police, told them everything I've just told you, and asked them to meet me at the property because I was very suspicious about what they were doing at 2 in the morning with a chained up, apparently very heavy foot locker.

The police met me there and asked the tenants what was going on. They saw me standing at the end of the driveway, so they knew it was me that had called them.

The police asked if they could inspect the trunk on my behalf to put everyone's mind at ease. One of the men that was in the duplex took off running right then. He was chased down and they were both cuffed and put in the back of the car.

I then signed a release allowing the police to enter and inspect the entire duplex and it's contents. It took about another 2 hours for a lock smith to show up and open the trunk.

In it were just short of 200 pounds of explosives. What they had it for, I don't know. Nor do I care.

But that's how it goes down, pal. That's how it works. Somebody calls me, I can go look or call the police and have them look. It's just that easy.
You are a lucky fool. Nothing more.

I love all the character judgements you threw out there. Why do you feel obligated to stereotype people?
I am not a landlord simply because I chose not to be. It is likely that my home is worth more than yours...
You are a lucky fool. Nothing more..

Again, wrong. That's the law.

Truth be told, the police actually had probable cause to search the chest after one of them took off running at the mere mention of inspecting it. They would have had to wait for a warrant though, and that could have taken I simply signed a waiver allowing them access to the property under the safety clause.

Oddly, they found enough explosives to completely level half a city block.

Don't want your shit searched? Stop acting suspiciously, dragging around chained up foot lockers at 2 in the morning over and over again waking up your neighbors and violating your lease agreement.

In Layman's terms: Don't be a stupid dipshit, and you wont get caught.

You want to grow where it's legal, ASK YOUR LANDLORD. Jesus hard is that? If you're not willing to do it, then that tells me right there you're not growing for you legally, you're growing to sell illegally. Otherwise, you wouldn't be arguing a completely failed point.
Again, wrong. That's the law.

Truth be told, the police actually had probable cause to search the chest after one of them took off running at the mere mention of inspecting it. They would have had to wait for a warrant though, and that could have taken I simply signed a waiver allowing them access to the property under the safety clause.

Oddly, they found enough explosives to completely level half a city block.

Don't want your shit searched? Stop acting suspiciously, dragging around chained up foot lockers at 2 in the morning over and over again waking up your neighbors and violating your lease agreement.

In Layman's terms: Don't be a stupid dipshit, and you wont get caught.

You want to grow where it's legal, ASK YOUR LANDLORD. Jesus hard is that? If you're not willing to do it, then that tells me right there you're not growing for you legally, you're growing to sell illegally. Otherwise, you wouldn't be arguing a completely failed point.
Now I'm "growing to sell illegally"???
Wow. :roll:
You are even dumber than I thought. :dunce:
Again, wrong. That's the law.

Truth be told, the police actually had probable cause to search the chest after one of them took off running at the mere mention of inspecting it. They would have had to wait for a warrant though, and that could have taken I simply signed a waiver allowing them access to the property under the safety clause.

Oddly, they found enough explosives to completely level half a city block.

Don't want your shit searched? Stop acting suspiciously, dragging around chained up foot lockers at 2 in the morning over and over again waking up your neighbors and violating your lease agreement.

In Layman's terms: Don't be a stupid dipshit, and you wont get caught.

You want to grow where it's legal, ASK YOUR LANDLORD. Jesus hard is that? If you're not willing to do it, then that tells me right there you're not growing for you legally, you're growing to sell illegally. Otherwise, you wouldn't be arguing a completely failed point.
Watch out,, @TacoMac Thinks there is a grow operation in the box,, he is calling the COPS!!! IMG_0237.JPG
And you're the world's worst reader. Go back to the beginning and read before you shoot your mouth off about things you know nothing about.

My OWNERSHIP trumps your privacy. It's in the contract, dipshit.
It doesn't change the fact that you're a shitty landlord. Seriously, what kind of nosy, douche landlord is stopping by every 2 weeks?
It doesn't change the fact that you're a shitty landlord. Seriously, what kind of nosy, douche landlord is stopping by every 2 weeks?

Again, READ.

I don't. It was simply an example of what some people do.

I'm done. There's no reasoning with complete morons.
Yes, I am. It's my house, and it's part of the contract you signed if you live on one of my properties or any apartment complex in the nation.
If you're tenants signed a contract explicitly stating that you can just "pop by" and come in the house with less than 24 hours, then your tenants are idiots. If that's not in the contract, then you're breaking the law by trespassing.
Again, READ.

I don't. It was simply an example of what some people do.

I'm done. There's no reasoning with complete morons.
" If you want to relocated your grown every time I give you notice that I'm coming by to inspect my property, are you really going to do that?

No. Of course not. Because you're going to have to relocate that grow every two weeks."

Ummm, okay. LOL.
" If you want to relocated your grown every time I give you notice that I'm coming by to inspect my property, are you really going to do that?

No. Of course not. Because you're going to have to relocate that grow every two weeks."

Ummm, okay. LOL.
TacoTruck is an idiot. Just ignore him and he'll go away.
In your reply to him, you never specifically mentioned Cali, and instead spoke vaguely about states where recreational/medical are legal. That would include Oregon.

Gee guy, am i missing something here? Perhaps you're the one missing something. The entire thread is based on a cali kid who wants to know if he'll get kicked out of his house if the landlord finds out he's cultivating, not about stealth growing, etc. It doesn't answer his question. California landlord is the original issue and you would think people ("grownups") would stay on topic here, but here comes fox guy talking about guns and weed, so i thought that he referred to Cali as THE "REC" state. Perhaps fox guy should have been the one to "specifically" mention that he's talking about Oregon.
that is true, but my location is visable on my profile link, if he wanted to speak about my personally maybe he should have clicked on my picture
besides he acts like we use real names around here,, hahaha,,
and I suggest that every one uses a VPN like i do to hide your real IP address,,
both good suggeestions,,
I do like your feedback here

I have no time, nor is interested in clicking on users picture to learn where you are from, how many posts you've made, how long you've been a member, what your favorite food is, how you sleep, what color thong you wear, the type of makeup you put on, etc. No time for that. I've got better things to do than to thrive off of petty arguments.
Dude, you sound like the land lord from hell....seriously....they pay you every month, respect their privacy and humanity...Dont play the whole "oh I own it so I can do whatever I want..."

I get the whole if its illegal, its illegal and if its in the contract you cannot do it...but still...jesus christ...I thought Ive dealt with some shitty landlords but youd take the cake. Where I rent from, its atleast a 24 hour notice....I had a water line break or the upstairs shower was leaking in my bathroom, bubbled the paint above the shower. Doubt it was a line break cause it would have damaged alot more...but still. Got a text from the landlord about it and I told him I would like it if you waited until the following day and he did just that. Didn't go bust down the door or anything, he was a decent human being.

Shit, a few years ago in college I had a landlord tell me straight up, if I come into your apartment and there is a mountain of Coke sitting on the coffee table, there is really nothing I can do about it...but the cops that guy was dumb and ended up going bankrupt but still...

The bomb thing totally understandable. If theyre supporting the black market, fuck em. If theyre not hurting anyone, why hurt them by being the landlord with a tiny ego who likes to throw his weight around because the law is behind it, sounds rather small to me

It sounds like you're out to make peoples lives miserable and fuck them over...someday that might come back to you. As a human I have rights too.

Why the hell are you even on this forum? It sounds like youre 100% against any form of cannabis...

I get being a landlord can be a total pain in the ass, generally, people are complete pricks. No need to be one of them.

Not trying to promote the flame war that is this thread. There are morals and ethics involved in every decision in life, ruining somebodies over a plant that is safely grown and causing no damage to your ever so precious property is pretty immoral by most peoples books. Because I can guarantee you, if you have ever acted by calling the cops on anybody growing in any of your buildings, you have caused them WAY more harm than they will ever have caused you and your ever so precious fucking property.

To answer OP's question. Ask the fucking landlord, its that simple. If theyre decent, understanding people; you should be fine. If they're like this taco, you might be okay but it is kind of hard to tell.
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