Now legal. Wut 'bout landlord trouble?

Now that I can grow six at a time in Cali (3 in veg ,3 in flower). Can my land lord still threaten to kick me out. I know I won't be hearing "I'm calling the cops if you don't cut 'em", ever again. About 3 years ago he did while trying to show him my medical license. It was legal but I didn't want any more trouble from LAPD. They can be dicks. Especially when called out for non violent matters... They don't get to blast at people...
i'm half way through the thread. i live in cali. Landlords can barg in if they feel probable cause. i have had one apologize to me after my rich girl friends parents, at the time , confronted him and he feared lawyers. They can give you 60 day notice for no reason to leave. if it's not in the lease and not illegal you will not go to jail but if your landlord doesn't want you there he or she can evict you with the sheriffs dept. you can fight it if you have legal aid and that might just give you more time. other than that.
Well, that's the law. That's how it works. That is my point.

You people watch WAY too much TV drama and think you know what you're talking about. You don't. Not even close.
it's how it goes but it's a fuzzy legal area. you could get sued and lose.
What was the probable cause? "I don't know what's in that box" is not probable cause. Ask a cop.
You are lucky your tenants can't afford a good lawyer...
As a property owner and private citizen "I" do not need to prove probable cause *for anything*. In criminal case, a police officer must show probable cause *for evidentiary purposes*. That's really as far as "probable cause" goes.

Stop watching cop shows on TV.
I am a landlord. I know the law on that.

You get caught growing against your lease, I can evict you in 30 days. You get caught stealth growing, I can have the sheriffs department at your front door in 24 hours to toss everything you own and you into the street.

That's all there is to it.

And pal, no stealth in the world is going to protect you from a person unlocking your door, walking into your house, and looking around every room in it and finding that grow.

And it's all perfectly legal and within the rights of the landlord.

Roll the dice if you want. The only reason you don't get caught is dumb luck. If not for that, you'll be one of those on here posting about how they got caught and wound up in a huge tight spot...or worse.

Cite it.
Yes, I do. If you refuse, I can call the police and inform them that I have the idea there is something illegal or dangerous and puts the building at risk that violates the lease in that safe. If you refuse to open it for them so they can inspect it, I can evict you on the spot.

It's that simple.

Someday when you own properties and have to deal will all the people that try to rob you blind, conduct illegal operations, and much more, you'll understand that.

I'm not reading all this speculative talk. Laws are different from city/ state to city/state ..
I don't know about all that from experience. You are gonna get the classic 'knock and talk' from a dozen or so locals. Don't let them into your 'private domicile' worst they can do is threaten to return with a warrant.

As far as owner just wandering into my 'castle law' zone unannounced.. He may get jousted... But he would need the keys to all the locks I changed at move in..

"""" Ask the fucking landlord, its that simple. If theyre decent, understanding people; you should be fine"""""
Actually if any of you had actually bothered to read, that's is EXACTLY what Taco has been saying the whole time.
that would be ideal. However, When do you ask? when you are applying? good luck with that.
Yes we can. If we find something like that in OUR property, we have every right to know what it is. If you refuse to let us examine what is in the box we can call the police and have them open it.

You really need to educate yourself on the law before you wind up like the countless other people that THINK they know their rights that are completely clueless about them that wind up doing 18 months in jail over it.
Again bull shit.

Quit spouting what you think as fact.

It is the same as a safe or wall locker.

You can come in and inspect. You can't however force me to open any of my furniture.

The cops can't either without a warrant.

Its called the 14 amendment. Protection against illegal search and seizure.
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They need one when THEY are initiating a search - unless they have probable cause. The homeowner suspecting something illegal going on and REQUESTING their property be searched does not require a warrant.

Nice try.
That only applies to owners property and not the tenants. I'm a landlord also.

The dick head that says otherwise is probably like this prick my mom rented from. Thought that because he was the landlord he could do anything he wanted including barging in on my mom unannounced.

I set him straight.

And the entire universe, contrary to popular belief, does not revolve around California.

Most states have what are called "owners rights". These rights include access to the property they own at any reasonable time.

No, I can't come using my key and entering my house you're leasing at 3 in the morning to see "what's up". But it is perfectly within my rights to pop by at noon one day to check out my property, make sure it's not being abused, service the things I need to such as change the air filters and such, and see to it that the lawn and surrounding areas are being properly cared for.

It is, after all, my property.

And, even under California law there are exceptions as mentioned before.

In the end though, he's changed his story from "I OWN my house!" to going and doing research to try to back up a failed argument. In the end, it's still my property. If you want to relocated your grown every time I give you notice that I'm coming by to inspect my property, are you really going to do that?

No. Of course not. Because you're going to have to relocate that grow every two weeks. That's going to cause you far more grief than it's worth.

Growing being legal in California has nothing to do with an owners rights and what is in the lease agreement. That is why if you are in doubt at all, then you shouldn't do it. That is all I stated from the very beginning until Sir Horses Ass showed up spouting his mouth off about "I OWN my house".
No. A lot of states require notice.

You are one them mofos I can't stand.

Renters have rights to dick.
Again bull shit.

Quit spouting what you think as fact.

It is the same as a safe or wall locker.

You can come in and inspect if intent from you. You can't however force me to open any of my furniture.

The cops can't either without a warrant.

Its called the 14 amendment. Protection against illegal search and seizure.

he can threaten and or call and the cops can threaten but i don't think lapd or sfpd is going to do much but arrive at the call if you don't provoke them. it boils down to the jurisdiction and the officer. they need a warrant but they will open drawers and say it was in plain view or go farther in then invited and say you gestured them in. the safest thing you can do to stop them is insist and say no and try to stand in their way. i have seen them yell gun out of nowhere and push past. but if you fight or restrain them its assault and resisting passably obstruction.
That only applies to owners property and not the tenants. I'm a landlord also.

The dick head that says otherwise is probably like this prick my mom rented from. Thought that because he was the landlord he could do anything he wanted including barging in on my mom unannounced.

I set him straight.
my landlord is raising my rent over $500 this year last year it was $100 no rent control and two landlords on the city counsel it's gentrification on steroids and it's extortion.
he can threaten and or call and the cops can threaten but i don't think lapd or sfpd is going to do much but arrive at the call if you don't provoke them. it boils down to the jurisdiction and the officer. they need a warrant but they will open drawers and say it was in plain view or go farther in then invited and say you gestured them in. the safest thing you can do to stop them is insist and say no and try to stand in their way. i have seen them yell gun out of nowhere and push past. but if you fight or restrain them its assault and resisting passably obstruction.
Put a lock on it. They can not open it without a warrant. Period.
Actually if any of you had actually bothered to read, that's is EXACTLY what Taco has been saying the whole time.

Actually, I did bother to read. The whole thread twice. Difference between him and I, I did it without insulting half the population of this forum...while he did. Just the "land lord" who likes to be a dick to his tenants who pay him what I am guessing is a pretty substantial fee to keep a roof over their head.

Isaid it once and Ill say it again, fuck the people who had explosives and fuck the people who support the black market. If he actually fucked peoples lives over for growing a plant, then he should be right there with them.

People like you and taco make my fucking skin crawl. Just because you own the place doesn't mean you own me or anything I have in the place I am renting from you. When I start causing harm to the place I am renting from you and causing harm to other people around me, then yes fuck me. Until then, you can go fuck yourself.

My name is Kunta Kinte, not Toby, you mother fucker.

#slumlord learn2moralz
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Yes, I do. If you refuse, I can call the police and inform them that I have the idea there is something illegal or dangerous and puts the building at risk that violates the lease in that safe. If you refuse to open it for them so they can inspect it, I can evict you on the spot.

It's that simple.

Someday when you own properties and have to deal will all the people that try to rob you blind, conduct illegal operations, and much more, you'll understand that.
I own property.

You can not force someone to open a locked box. You have no right even with suspicion to go through thier stuff or ask to see it. Fucking shit bag landlord.

You are a creep.

The police can't make anyone open it either. It would take a warrant from a judge to do that.
I own property.

You can not force someone to open a locked box. You have no right even with suspicion to go through thier stuff or ask to see it. Fucking shit bag landlord.

You are a creep.

The police can't make anyone open it either. It would take a warrant from a judge to do that.
i am using tents. can i refuse to open them? or are they probable cause or something?
true question? it's a little different in their eyes right? or what f the box is an assault rifle case or is a "suspicious" box?
It would take a warrant from a judge to do that.
No, not really. It only takes a warrant if the police intend to use what's inside for evidence. Lack of a warrant make it inadmissible as evidence. As a property owner you should know that you DO have the right to find out if something illegal or dangerous is on your property. Warrants have nothing to do with it.