New Member
I think the tea party is filled with eunichs, Someone bit their balls off while teabagging.
Rob, I can understand what you are saying. It's like WTF why should I have to do this? And there is no easy answer here.There's nothing wrong with helping people, there is EVERYTHING wrong with forcing people to purchase something they may not want or need. If I want insurance I'll buy it, if I can't afford it I'll go without.
edit: your fucking right redd! i am 47, dont know how old you are but, dude when i was 26 i had a full time job, a "part time" business ,a wife and a kid. if i would have asked my dad for insurance....after i woke up from the profuse beating....he would have said fuck you get another job.How times have changed. We now consider people of 26 years of age to be "children." What a pant-load. When I was twenty six, I had two kids, a great job, a new house, a new car ... and my wife stayed home with the kids. WTF has happened to America? Are we a country filled with pussies?
long time no see. nice seeing you again.children is a term used frequently in many different contexts merely describing 'offspring', more readily understood though by idiots!
hello, welcome to reality. that is exactly the point, so the people who are currently paying for insurance (on IRS roles) will pay for the other 32 million who arent paying. hello they hired 16000 IRS agents.
The problem is that many Americans refuse to pay anything whatsoever for healthcare. So who pays when they go to the emergency room with Appendicitis? .
We require people to have auto insurance. It is imparative that folks have health insurance too.
no. no. no. and no.
this is illogical thinking
i can avoid buying auto insurance by not driving, (plus the analogy is not even close to the same)
i can not avoid paying this by not living
im healthy, i do not require insurance, so why do i HAVE to buy it?
no. no. no. and no.
this is illogical thinking
i can avoid buying auto insurance by not driving, (plus the analogy is not even close to the same)
i can not avoid paying this by not living
im healthy, i do not require insurance, so why do i HAVE to buy it?
you got it. and if your healthy you deserve to be put in a better category than someone who isnt.
if i smash into something everytime i get behind the wheel. should i pay the same auto insurance as a person who never had a violation?
its the same thing
hmmmmmm...sounds like your dad had anger management if your 23 year old daughter said "Daddy can I stay on your insurance until I find a decent job with insurance now that I finished college".... would you in turn beat the $hit out of her then make her find another job ??????edit: your fucking right redd! i am 47, dont know how old you are but, dude when i was 26 i had a full time job, a "part time" business ,a wife and a kid. if i would have asked my dad for insurance....after i woke up from the profuse beating....he would have said fuck you get another job.
i cant believe the state of 20-30 year old men looking to be coddled. its unfuckingbelivable.if you pussies dont wake the fuck are doomed to oppression. YOU DONT NEED THE GOVT!!!! YOU ARE A FREE PERSON, DO NOT BUY INTO NEEDING THE GOVT. IT LEADS TO YOUR OPPRESSION.
honey, where is my blood pressure med?
furthur more, if you exercise and eat right and live a good clean life, you should be treated better than a douche bag who never does anything but sit around, eat tootsie rolls and jerk off making excuses why his constant jerking off has never amounted to anything. all the while putting heroin in his arm and selling crack to 14 year olds.
these two extremes would be treated the same in your system....and i hate your fucking system.![]()
hmmmmmm...sounds like your dad had anger management if your 23 year old daughter said "Daddy can I stay on your insurance until I find a decent job with insurance now that I finish college".... would you in turn beat the $hit out of her then make her find another job ??????Be careful treating your child like that might have her dancing on a pole calling someone else "DADDY"
hmmmmmm...sounds like your dad had anger management if your 23 year old daughter said "Daddy can I stay on your insurance until I find a decent job with insurance now that I finish college".... would you in turn beat the $hit out of her then make her find another job ??????Be careful treating your child like that might have her dancing on a pole calling someone else "DADDY"
do explain how lost I am ?????Damn London, you are still lost? I know you're not an idiot, I'm surprised you haven't woke up yet.
Ok. Do you really think that the US gov't, politicians, want to do something to help you? Do you honestly believe that these politicians have your best interests at heart, not their own? I mean... come on man... this shit isn't to help americans, it is to help the government. You obviously realize how much the gov't has grown since its inception, highly disproportionate to the population. I just don't trust the gov't, the same gov't that is still arresting LEGAL MEDICAL PEOPLE!do explain how lost I am ?????
hmmmm so you think that ALL govenment is out to get you...question ...your fire dept. is part of your government do you fear them as well....what about the DMV are they going to get you too....???? hmmmmmm how do you get out the house ...are you not frightful of those highways that are built and maintained by our government....dude its a time to fear and then there is just straight paranoia... so again I say if my child needs insurance from daddy ( or mommy) until she is 26 I say good job government for making that how lost are you little scary guy....BOOOk. Do you really think that the US gov't, politicians, want to do something to help you? Do you honestly believe that these politicians have your best interests at heart, not their own? I mean... come on man... this shit isn't to help americans, it is to help the government. You obviously realize how much the gov't has grown since its inception, highly disproportionate to the population. I just don't trust the gov't, the same gov't that is still arresting LEGAL MEDICAL PEOPLE!
Being forced to pay for something and "fairness" are not interchangeable terms.Rob, I can understand what you are saying. It's like WTF why should I have to do this? And there is no easy answer here.
The problem is that many Americans refuse to pay anything whatsoever for healthcare. So who pays when they go to the emergency room with Appendicitis? Last time I heard, that is about a $12,000 bill. There are many more examples, but the point is this: Everyone but the sick person pays through both higher insurance premiums and higher taxes.
This is obviously not fair. Some might say "Oh, I'm not sick, I don't need health insurance." Until you have a kidney stone, a bowel obstruction, cancer, or whatever.
We require people to have auto insurance. It is imparative that folks have health insurance too. If you do not have it and are at low income, you will receive some help, but not a 100% give away. This is only fair.
Since I have been about 24 yo, I have either had employer provided insurance, or insurance provided by myself. When all folks are required to have insurance, premiums will be more spread out, and more affordable.
Don't mean to be a dick guy, but it is only fair if everyone has to pay something.