Now this is a christmas tree!


Well-Known Member
since i added those bulbs my temps are hitting 90 but about 88 with door open, its ok during the day, but there is 2 pipes running half way arround my room that heat up when the central heating is on.

Its only been this hot for the past 2 days, since i added 4 more bulbs, but do you think this could fuk my plant up?
That is quite a christmas tree dude:mrgreen:.

High temps have many bad effects on weed. It will make them stretch really bad.

It also takes away the smell of the buds and changes the THC to things that aren't what we want in weed.

I would work on that right away m8.

I would hate to see all that work and waiting not be the best it can be.


Well-Known Member
That is quite a christmas tree dude:mrgreen:.

High temps have many bad effects on weed. It will make them stretch really bad.

It also takes away the smell of the buds and changes the THC to things that aren't what we want in weed.

I would work on that right away m8.

I would hate to see all that work and waiting not be the best it can be.
Yup im sorting something out tomorrow, shes only had about two days of this heat and shes 8 n half week in so no probs with stretching

Think shes got about about 3 weeks left, so def gonna fit an exaust fan, dont want to wait all this time n fuk it up with some basic problem, i'll post my remedy in here wen done


Well-Known Member
Ok went to get an extractor fan tonight but they had none in!!!

so i bought some ducting and conected it to the vant, and put a pc fan in the end of the ducting and placed it near the hood of my main plant in the corner where all the heat is, hasn't seemed to of changed much

My room is just under 90 even with the door open because of those pipes that heat up on an evening.

Im going to try find an extractor fan tomorrow night after work

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
everything was fine in the late summer, as the heating wasn't on, but now its colder, its an whole new problem


Well-Known Member
No bud i got an 8 week old baby so need the real heating on, i need alot more powerful fan, this pc fan is a piece of shit

When i get my extractor fan, how would you recommend i set it up

Vent, extractor fan, ducting up near the hood where all the heat is?

Im sure as soon as i finaly get a proper fan, my probs will be solved


Well-Known Member
No bud i got an 8 week old baby so need the real heating on, i need alot more powerful fan, this pc fan is a piece of shit

When i get my extractor fan, how would you recommend i set it up

Vent, extractor fan, ducting up near the hood where all the heat is?

Im sure as soon as i finaly get a proper fan, my probs will be solved
ohh i see well
yeqh use the duct to suck the air out through the vent, should get most of the heat out,
put some more oscillating fans in there too


Well-Known Member
Im hoping so, i dont think another osicilating fan would help as my room is under the staircase. So about the width of a staircse and about 7, long, the fan i got is positioned under the slope of the staircase, and only switched on 2 (outa 3)

the two hoods housing 12 bulbs are side by side in the highest corner, and the second hood is kinda getting in the way of the vent. Everything fuked up when i last reposistioned everthing for the final stretch

Just a thought... i have 3 thermometers, 1 directly under 1 hood in the corner, and 1 under the other hood next to it. Obviously the 1 in the corner is giving the higest temp readings 90, and the 1 next to it is about 88. The last 1 which is placed somewhere bang in the middle of the room, away from the bulbs is reading about 82 tops.

What im wanting to know is where do you take your temp readings from?


Well-Known Member
hey are the pipes exposed and stuff COVER THEM go and buy some insulating foam and just wrap them around the pipes and stuff should keep the heat in and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yea thats an idea gonna try get the fan and the insulation tomorrow, might bring it down a bit, where do u have your thermometer bud, am i taking the wrong readings off of the ones under the hoods?