Now this is what I call a BUZZZZZZ.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
A man from Alberta who passed out on some railway tracks Sunday night and was subsequently run over by a nearly 9,000-ton freight train miraculously survived the incident and was able to walk away without major injury, Canada's QMI Agency reports.

The 20-year-old man, who has not been named by authorities, found his way to the tracks after leaving a nearby campsite, the paper reported. With beer in hand, the inebriated man passed out between the rails for an unknown period of time before the conductor of an oncoming train spotted him and tried to avoid a collision by blasting the horn and hitting the emergency brakes.

Emergency responders feared for the worst, but were shocked when they found the man unhurt on the tracks after being passed over by 26 railway cars.

"When they reached him, they thought he was deceased -- but one of them touched him, and he woke up," Sgt. Dave Dubnyk of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told QMI Agency.

Dubyk told CBC News that as soon as the man was surrounded by emergency personnel, "he got up, grabbed his beer, and was on his way." He said authorities have seen many instances of people losing limbs or their lives after ending up on tracks, but nothing like this.

"He's of fairly slight stature and the train went completely over top of him," Dubnyk told the Calgary Herald. "Amazingly, I don’t know how you wouldn’t wake up even being that passed out drunk, how you wouldn’t wake up from that train rumbling over top of you with the brakes screeching."

According to QMI Agency, after the man got up walked away, authorities used dogs to track him back to his campground and arrested him. They say he'll likely be charged with public intoxication.


bud bootlegger
i tend to think this is a case of a newspaper embellishing a story to make it sound better, b'cuz there is no way in hell dude got run over by 20 some train cars and got up and walked away imho... shit don't work like that.

i knew a guy who used to go to na meetings in philly, and one day he was all high on heroin up on an el platform, nodded out and fell into the path of an oncoming trains and lost one arm and one leg...

Guitar guy

Active Member
Im sure the cops are charging him because they brought all the paramedics for him and shit and he was perfectly fine


Well-Known Member
i tend to think this is a case of a newspaper embellishing a story to make it sound better, b'cuz there is no way in hell dude got run over by 20 some train cars and got up and walked away imho... shit don't work like that.

i knew a guy who used to go to na meetings in philly, and one day he was all high on heroin up on an el platform, nodded out and fell into the path of an oncoming trains and lost one arm and one leg...
have you seen this...corvette crash at 165 and the guy didnt get a scratch.....



bud bootlegger
i've seen that before dsb, but that's not even comparable.. getting run directly over by a fucking train is a completely different story, especially if he was laying across the tracks like they said in the story..
those train wheels aren't exactly sharp as a knife, it's just the fact of how much pressure is put on them from the train that just cuts people in half.. idk how many stories i have heard of people, usually like homeless people, trying to hop a train and they miss and end up getting run over and loss an arm or a leg or w/e like that dude i used to know in philly..
that shit's no joke..


Well-Known Member
i've seen that before dsb, but that's not even comparable.. getting run directly over by a fucking train is a completely different story, especially if he was laying across the tracks like they said in the story..
those train wheels aren't exactly sharp as a knife, it's just the fact of how much pressure is put on them from the train that just cuts people in half.. idk how many stories i have heard of people, usually like homeless people, trying to hop a train and they miss and end up getting run over and loss an arm or a leg or w/e like that dude i used to know in philly..
that shit's no joke..
i guess your right....


Well-Known Member
i've seen that before dsb, but that's not even comparable.. getting run directly over by a fucking train is a completely different story, especially if he was laying across the tracks like they said in the story..
The article said he was laying between the tracks. It's impossible to not get hit while laying across. lol. But it makes sense since he was laying between them. I would just expect a person to wake up from something like that though.


Active Member
I also don't believe it ran him over. Lol. There's just no fucking way you can get ran over by a train and not wake up. I can't believe anyone would actually believe that. But it is possible that he could have been just laying down flat between the two rails. That's as far as it gets though. Funny story though haha. He must have been fucked up


Well-Known Member
have you seen this...corvette crash at 165 and the guy didnt get a scratch.....

Rwd piece of junk.


Well-Known Member
I also don't believe it ran him over. Lol. There's just no fucking way you can get ran over by a train and not wake up. I can't believe anyone would actually believe that. But it is possible that he could have been just laying down flat between the two rails. That's as far as it gets though. Funny story though haha. He must have been fucked up

Lmao wtf is all this guessing for!!! Read the fucking story it's all right there! It says he laid down in between the tracks, and en later it says the train went clean right over him.... Do the math people it's not rocket science