now what?! i cant ever get it right! -pics


Well-Known Member
my leaves are way curled up. first the bottom leaves started yellowing, than the whole plant started to, so i fed it last night, a 1/2 to 3/4 nute solution. now its REAL bad. any advice please? the top of the plant looks fine, just overwatered look. and all the new leaves look totally fine too. i dont know whats goin on here!



Well-Known Member
What kind of lights, soil, nutes, light cycle etc are you using? How often are you watering? Water Ph? More info would help a lot.


Well-Known Member
6 100 watt equiv cfl 6500k- on for 24/0, i water about every 3 days or so? just when its dry. miracle grow organic soil, miracle grow perlite. gh flora 3 part nutrients


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like your killing the plant with kindness,what i mean by that is you have too much hands on with the plant,at the stage your plant is at right now nutrients are not the answer,infact i question if nutrients would even be needed for a plant at that growth stage a long as your soil is not barren.

If anything nute's should be used extremely sparingly at that stage & supplied in a very weak mix ,like 1/16 strength or even weaker,and then no more than every other watering.


Well-Known Member
it could be the mg soil with the time released nutes you never know how much nutes your plants are exactly getting... MG soil burns herb plants quite frequently.


Well-Known Member
I've used those nutes before... I'm pretty sure the water after adding had a ph close to 5.2 using distilled water. Maybe your water is already out of wack and the nutes are making it worse. Just a thought.
why would it go so low? sheesh! i never did test my ph, i dont have a ph tester :s


Well-Known Member
why would it go so low? sheesh! i never did test my ph, i dont have a ph tester :s
From the acidity of the nutrients,nute's always change the ph balance.

Why do you feel that you need to add nutrients to such a small young plant to begin with,if your soil is good you might have to add some nitrogen at the very most but even thats doubtfull for that plant.

How long have you been fertilizing it for ?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well alot of issues here.Only use miracle grow moisture control soil.Then you have to ph your water to 6.8 no higher no lower. Your adding nutes which in miracle grow soil you wont add any nutes at all til well into flower then it will be low dosages of phosphorouys and potassium Basically you poisoned the plant by using the wrong soil,over feeding it as no nutes with MG soils,and you didnt ph the water you gave it and you never tested the run off so yeah the plants fucked start over and this time read up at least a little to get the basics down


Well-Known Member
yea i thought i was doing right lol, i only nuted it twice as of yet, i think its saveable still. i jus need to flush it next time i guess and let it come back alive! haha.​


Well-Known Member
If you really want to save it I'd consider re-potting it. Add about 1 part perilite to 5 parts quality potting soil with NO nutes in it and just feed it pH tested to 6.8 distilled water for a couple weeks.

And definately read up on soil growing. Most good soil mixes have MORE than enough of anything the plant needs for the veg. cycle. And pH is something you want to know for sure. Growing in soil is easy because the PLANT decides what it needs and takes it. Growing hydro is where you get to play with nutrients more. Good luck


Well-Known Member
leach the plants real good and just give it water with oxygen ......give it natural sunlight... but not direct sunlight... i think your plants need time to recover ... bright light pushes photosynthesis with unbalanced plant.... take it easy and let the plant just grow .......try to grow some clones out of that one ... you can make up time lost


Well-Known Member
^ completely agree. get rid of the mg for learning. i recomend a soil less mix, easy to learn first


Well-Known Member
#1 mistake for new growers is lovin yo plants too much, if you just gave em some water once in a while and had good lighting then the soil should provide everything it needs for at least the whole veg part. But instead peeps like to check their plant all the time, thinking "hey if a lil nutrients are good, more would be even better" and they water it too much cuz one leaf looked a little bit sad. then they nute it again cuz the leaves are starting to go yellow and brown from the last over nuteing, but they think its a sign of starving. anyways the main point I am trying to make is just give a soil grow water and light, thats all mother nature gives and she does an excellent job.

BTW FWIW Years ago I did my first grow with soil, and I made the same mistakes you did and pretty much killed the first plant, it yielded like 3 grams total. my second soil grow I really thought I knew what I was doing and mixed up my own using MG time release. the results weren't pretty to say the least. My third grow I got spidermites so bad the bud was unsmokeable. 4th grow i got spidermites again and had temp problems due to summer time, actually got almost 10 grams off that plant. 5th grow using a soil i mixed that really had hardly anything in it except topsoil and perlite, wow it grew awesome and I got 3 females and actually made enough to smoke for a while. then I started experimenting with Hydro and DWC in particular and found I could grow plants 2 times the size in the same amount of time, but it took some learning there also..but by then was up and running and I learned a whole lot from some of those old growers that its not even funny. now my partner and I can get 1-2 pounds every 8 weeks, but it took years of mistakes to get here.

You will get there too, don't give up the fight!!


Well-Known Member
6 100 watt equiv cfl 6500k- on for 24/0, i water about every 3 days or so? just when its dry. miracle grow organic soil, miracle grow perlite. gh flora 3 part nutrients
I'd say you're doing too much fancy and not enough basic...
1) Mg products are more for the experienced growers..they can be problematic.. you may have nutes in the soil & the perlite, plus the 3 part nutes..way too much..did you read all labels ??

I've used those nutes before... I'm pretty sure the water after adding had a ph close to 5.2 using distilled water. Maybe your water is already out of wack and the nutes are making it worse. Just a thought.
2) soil grow PH should be at 6.2 - 6.8......
Bad PH levels will lock up the nutes, burning the plant... that plant looks grim...If you want to start back at square clean soil and dry...but that plant looks too damaged to me....... IMO