Now You Can Make Any Plant Produce THC.


Sr. Verde

I call bullshit, but man... How great would that be??

Imagine getting blazed off everything in your house... Go make some toast and use your strawberry jam loaded with THC

I can just see sitting down to dinner with the family passing the hemp asparagus, the pot roast with hemp onions, carrots, potatoes etc.

It is just one of those things that seems way too good to be true... But if it was true ill be starting my own vegetable garden soon


Well-Known Member
Think about growing magic shrooms loaded in resin. Baked and trippin....:lol:

I dunno man. Whoever did that would be loaded
for hours on end. :hump:

And if 1/3 of everyone started veggie gardens, the prices
at the store would drop significantly.

Because everyone wouldn't need to buy as much as usual
from the store.

I can't wait to have a house on a few acres. I asked my grandpa
if we could get chickens, but he said no. =(

lol. I also want some dairy goats. Ok, enough of my farmer dreams.


Well-Known Member
That does sound good, but you have to Heat THC to activate it.... Wouldn't the heat destroy the psilcobylin? (Spelling?)


New Member
Well, frankly mushrooms are a fungus so the spray may not apply....only plants. :lol:

But me thinks we are already into "what if" territory....:wink:

bam bam

Active Member
Read this the other day and seemes interesting and promising.... :wink:

They are working on Oaks and Maples....:lol: Lawdy.

Company makes any plant produce THC and the tomatoes are especially yummy

June 1, 2009
Oakdale, CA: Scientists at Montsaint Genie Tech Inc. announced today that they have successfully transferred the gene segment that produces the psychotropic chemical THC in cannabis plants to many other common garden plants, including tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, and more.
“We probably can put the THC segment into almost any plant in existence,” says lead scientist Rebeca Vale. “It’s a very simple process. We are starting work on oak and maple trees now.”
Asked if the resulting plants could be used in ways similar to cannabis, Vale replied, “Well, you can’t make twine out of a tomato plant, but if someone were to dry it and smoke it, all of the medicinal and psychotropic effects of marijuana would be present. And what’s more, we have learned that tomatoes, in particular, actually produce more THC than cannabis itself.”
But is it legal? “Actually, yes,” says Vale. “Our research qualifies as GMO ‘intellectual property’, as does the process itself. Since tomatoes and other plants are not illegal, a person would be well within the law to grow them and use them as they please.”
Vale says that her company is working on a spray that will transfer the segment to many plants simply by spraying the leaves of seedlings.
“It’s a very simple process,” she says. “Anyone can do it. We plan to start selling the spray - ‘Genie Mist’ - in a matter of weeks. One bottle will sell for five dollars and be capable of treating 6,000 seedlings.”
But how do the tomatoes taste? “Scrumptious,” Vale says. “But, of course, they are best when roasted.”
when a male plant polenates a female plant it pretty much opens up its sacs and spray release/sprays it pollen on to female plants.

This process of sexing creates new breeds so the spray mehtod stated by Genie mist should be possible.


Active Member
I say "If it's true, then give this to your bio engineering friends to figure it out and make this shit for free!"; Imagine spraying this onto all of the plants in your mom and dad's garden. I would visit them every evening for dinner!


Well-Known Member
i dont know if u heard but...
thier gonna make thc geno babies...
no shit.... its gonna be a kush


Well-Known Member
dude its possibly a hoax. the website is a real site but its not runing yet. i searched the web and couldn't find the real article


Active Member
Don't you think if this was real it wouldnt be $5 for a bottle that treats 6,000 seedlings???? It would be supply and demand, everyone would want this it would probably run a couple hundred dollars for a small bottle, too good to be true!!! But if it was true i wouldnt mind growing some THC inriched Mint plants


Well-Known Member
i m no expert im just guessing but this could end up making marijuana legal u never know it cud even make it more illegal or watever jus putn it out ther