NQGuerilla's Outdoor Experiment 09

This will be my first post, and first proper grow. I have attempted to grow a few times and all attempts have failed through lack of planning, using substandard soils etc. This time I am putting a lot more effort into it! In November 2009 a small site was prepared, enough space for the 17 pots to exist initially, hidden several kilometres in dense brush. Used 15L buckets were used as pots. These were purchased clean, and have about fourteen 10mm holes drilled in the base of each one, and these were filled with 100% potting mix. Plants that had been sprouted in smaller hanging pots one month and 2 months earlier (2 stages) were then transplanted into the pots. With the clearing cut as is, the plants receive direct sunlight from about 8:45am till approximately 3:15pm, and diffuse light for another 1 hour before and 2 hours after that. Here is the basic setup:


I got the remaining bag seed I had and planted them in the pots randomly just to use up all the seed I had collected. All future crop will have to be cloned (if anything spectacular grows) or I will need to buy some good seed from a seed bank. For now, the goal is to keep them alive and healthy enough to produce enough bud from all the plants to keep me going for a while. While I have no way of knowing what strain/sex these plants will be, I only keep outstanding bag seeds so I should be able to harvest at least an oz from each plant.
Due to torrential rains and the pots being saturated for an extended period, I fashioned a tent around the pots to prevent any more water from reaching the soil. I’m afraid of the old wet feet syndrome attacking my babies in this early stage. I won’t be watering for at least a week, not until they show signs of wilting.


As the plants get bigger it will be necessary to move the pots apart so that each plant can continue to get optimum light during the day. As the pots are moved apart it will be necessary to widen the clearing as required by growth.
The extra seeds I planted have all sprouted, and a few of the weaker looking older plants have died (stems eaten off by insects?). Still have enough seedlings for a plant per pot so I’m not concerned. As long as I end up with 5-10 female plants or more I’ll be happy. Tomorrow is watering day, will be using a mixture of Seasol seaweed extract and Aquasol general purpose fertilizer. I know these are weaker and not as specialised for growing weed as some other products on the market, but these should be more than enough for the plants to feed off in the first few months of growth. I may even only use these fertilisers, with liquid potash added at first sign of flowering to bring up the K. Going to have to find a better way to conceal the pots until the plants themselves get bigger and hide them because from a chopper those pots with stand out like neon signs. When they are bigger it will fill in the clearing with green, and I will only cut the clearing wider as it necessary by expanding plants. Here is my favourite photo of my best looking plant, macro-shot::weed:


Keen for input for this one as I'm a growing newbie. Please feel free to post comments or advice etc, try to keep it all positive :)