
i agree that AR-15 is designed mainly to kill. and this is the exact gun that i want to use should the government ever cross the imaginable ideological line in the majority of American's minds. i want all my fellow Americans without mental disabilities to own AR-15s so that the government understands that we control them should they feel that the citizenry opinion is surplus to requirements.
i agree that AR-15 is designed mainly to kill. and this is the exact gun that i want to use should the government ever cross the imaginable ideological line in the majority of American's minds. i want all my fellow Americans without mental disabilities to own AR-15s so that the government understands that we control them should they feel that the citizenry opinion is surplus to requirements.

another genius who thinks he can take down the government with his AR15.

that level of delusion by itself should be a disqualifier to gun ownership.
another genius who thinks he can take down the government with his AR15.

that level of delusion by itself should be a disqualifier to gun ownership.

If you read with care, "taking down the government" is not the goal or desideratum of the vast majority of gun owners. The commoner rationale relies on the fact/perception that widely disseminated gun ownership is a pesky thorn in the side of those who want to place the state in charge of pretty near everything. That also is the engine imo that gave us a Second Amendment. So I would mildly suggest that it is a prime qualifier for gun ownership: the purchasing individual is resisting the steady pressure to abdicate to Your Total Security Solution. cn
another genius who thinks he can take down the government with his AR15.

that level of delusion by itself should be a disqualifier to gun ownership.

the government wouldn't stand a chance in a geurilla warfar over such a large and diverse landscape where the people they are fighting against walk amongst them. especially with so many semi autos that can easily be changed to autos.

think the gov't will nuke us? they'd also be nuking their own people and throwing radiation all over their own country.

think there won't be enough resources? there are ton of U.S. enemies out there that would gladly throw arms and money at revolutionaries trying to overthrow its enemy. they would likely even offer nuclear technologies.
for you liberal nuts out there like buck, you should support the second amendment and keeping it free of legislative shackles more than anyone. it allows you to keep spouting your self destructive nonsense. for the 1st amendment cannot be defended without the existence of the 2nd. the two are mutually inclusive.
for you liberal nuts out there like buck, you should support the second amendment and keeping it free of legislative shackles more than anyone. it allows you to keep spouting your self destructive nonsense. for the 1st amendment cannot be defended without the existence of the 2nd. the two are mutually inclusive.


i need no gun to speak my mind. to think that they are entangled is pure fallacy, just like thinking that your AR15 is competitive against tanks, fighter jets, drones, and the like.

i need no gun to speak my mind. to think that they are entangled is pure fallacy, just like thinking that your AR15 is competitive against tanks, fighter jets, drones, and the like.

no, but you might need one when a conservative president tries to assert martial law and wants you executed for speaking your mind.

this happens in many countries today.

or i might need one when some far left nut wants me executed for telling them off and spreading discord among the citizenry.
I don't splinter. I bear it well.

Do you recognize this punchline from a joke featuring dendrophilia? "Me checkum for bees!" cn

Pooh Bear isn't in my same circle of friends. I tend to not hang around your kind ever since the last time one of you asked if shit sticks to my fur.

So I'm not falling for any more tricks from you sickos.

LOL you didn't post the next sentence did you?
Because of financial problems, ArmaLite sold the AR-15 design to Colt. The select-fire version of the AR-15 entered the U.S. military system as the M16 rifle.

Armalite never sold a single AR-15, they designed it and then sold it to Colt, who made the M-16 the military weapon and the AR-15 the SEMI automatic civilian version.

another Quote from YOUR source:
The AR-15 is a lightweight, 5.56 mm, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle, with a rotating-lock bolt, actuated by direct impingement gas operation or long/short stroke piston operation.

When does the military use SEMi automatic weapons?

Since Wiki is your compendium of knowledge, what does it have to say about the M-16?

The M16 rifle, officially designated Rifle, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16, is the United States military version of the AR-15 rifle

emphasis added for knuckleheads.

Probably would have been easier if you would just own up to your failures.
LOL you didn't post the next sentence did you?

Armalite never sold a single AR-15, they designed it and then sold it to Colt, who made the M-16 the military weapon and the AR-15 the SEMI automatic civilian version.

another Quote from YOUR source:

When does the military use SEMi automatic weapons?

Since Wiki is your compendium of knowledge, what does it have to say about the M-16?

emphasis added for knuckleheads.

Probably would have been easier if you would just own up to your failures.

FIRST BUILT for the united states ARMED FORCES