
in our modern age, you would need a whole hell of a lot of firepower to take down the U.S., and almost none of it is stuff you can legally or easily have.

you would need to violate the constitution anyway if you wanted to overthrow the assholes abusing it. your AR15 is not the thing that prevents tyranny, it is your knowledge on how to build an atom bomb or some other guy's connections to an eastern bloc shithole with lots of tanks for sale on the black market.

and as you guys claim, the supply will never completely dry up, so it's there if we need it to overthrow the tyrannical government (or whatever dystopic fright wing scenario you guys so readily envision despite an entire lack of evidence for such). the only difference will be its legal and ready availability to the adam lanzas and jared loughners of the world.

You finally made some sense but are still on the wrong track Robert Frost.

The way to stop the Adam Lanza's, is to listen to the 3rd party crying for the program to help them. We need to have mental institutions to help these people. We need to recognize mental breakdowns and prevent them from happening.
Yes it was you assclown. You falsely quoted my original statement where I said they didn't abide by laws, to your arguement.
This was your original quote from me saying they don't abide by the "rules":

View attachment 2619549

Using a gun in a gun free zone is not abiding by "rules".

You really do fuck up hard. Get your head straight little man

you said "abide by your rules".

i do not give two shits about gun free zones. signs are not really a deterrent. i have never spoken in favor of gun free zones. the fact that you would even reference them screams of either desperation or retard, you choose.

a readily available supply of legal high capacity mag, semi automatic weapons were the "rules" i was referring to, as should be evident by my previous posts.

and just to add the cherry to the top, loughner was not even in a gun free zone. pretty sure you can concealed carry in movie theaters as well. that's a 66.666666% rate of fail on your part, and i even rounded down for your benefit. i could have gone with*a 66.666667% rate of fail.
you said "abide by your rules".

i do not give two shits about gun free zones. signs are not really a deterrent. i have never spoken in favor of gun free zones. the fact that you would even reference them screams of either desperation or retard, you choose.

a readily available supply of legal high capacity mag, semi automatic weapons were the "rules" i was referring to, as should be evident by my previous posts.

and just to add the cherry to the top, loughner was not even in a gun free zone. pretty sure you can concealed carry in movie theaters as well. that's a 66.666666% rate of fail on your part, and i even rounded down for your benefit. i could have gone with*a 66.666667% rate of fail.

I actually laughed on you adding 2 sentences to make notice you rounded down .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 incorrectly!

Sure you have been trying to get to an idiotic point, but you have dragged a lot of mud along, including saying taking a large mag from law abiding citizens, is going to deter a CRIMINAL from using a large mag (the point I just made with the s/s, which you failed to refute)

Guess what BOZO? Criminals DO NOT follow YOUR rules; moron. The bombs made IN THE MOST RECENT INCIDENT, were NOT legal. OHMYGOSH!!! NOT LEGAL!!! BUT BUT BUT, that can't be!!! We made LAWS saying you CANT blow people up with homemade bombs!!!

You finally made some sense but are still on the wrong track Robert Frost.

The way to stop the Adam Lanza's, is to listen to the 3rd party crying for the program to help them. We need to have mental institutions to help these people. We need to recognize mental breakdowns and prevent them from happening.

you want to institutionalize every autistic douchebag? you're gonna have to lock up racist rabbit, he's a fucking meltdown waiting to happen, and is autistic from what i can gather. high functioning, but still autistic and a disaster in the making.

lanza's mom took him to the gun range for fuck sake, some people just shouldn't have guns, but you're never gonna keep autistic people or simply the dumb parents of autistic kids from passing a background check. you can be dumb and have autistic kids, that's no reason to not be able to own a gun (or be institutionalized, as you suggest).*

since these idiots will be able to easily buy guns anyway (a disaster in the making), don't ya think it might be wise to limit their inevitably horrific powers to some accepted standard, instead of making sure that their carnage knows no limits?

i mean, that's the whole reason that arizona has DUI, DUI over .08, DUI over .15, and more related DUI charges, and that is what has helped reduce your state's DUI fatalities by a whole shitload. we set acceptable standards, we enforce them to limit carnage. and quite often, it really works, as evidenced by your very own state.
I actually laughed on you adding 2 sentences to make notice you rounded down .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 incorrectly!

Sure you have been trying to get to an idiotic point, but you have dragged a lot of mud along, including saying taking a large mag from law abiding citizens, is going to deter a CRIMINAL from using a large mag (the point I just made with the s/s, which you failed to refute)

Guess what BOZO? Criminals DO NOT follow YOUR rules; moron. The bombs made IN THE MOST RECENT INCIDENT, were NOT legal. OHMYGOSH!!! NOT LEGAL!!! BUT BUT BUT, that can't be!!! We made LAWS saying you CANT blow people up with homemade bombs!!!


murder is illegal, but people still murder. so should we stop throwing the book at murderers then?

drunk driving is illegal, but kids still get run over by drunks behind the wheel. should we abandon your state's very successful attempt at common sense laws to curb the carnage?

you call me a halfwit after trying to sneak in NRA logic. what a fucking failure. i hate to say it, because i reserve this for failspammy, but that is even an unremitting failure. look at the thread you are in.
you want to institutionalize every autistic douchebag? you're gonna have to lock up racist rabbit, he's a fucking meltdown waiting to happen, and is autistic from what i can gather. high functioning, but still autistic and a disaster in the making.

lanza's mom took him to the gun range for fuck sake, some people just shouldn't have guns, but you're never gonna keep autistic people or simply the dumb parents of autistic kids from passing a background check. you can be dumb and have autistic kids, that's no reason to not be able to own a gun (or be institutionalized, as you suggest).*

since these idiots will be able to easily buy guns anyway (a disaster in the making), don't ya think it might be wise to limit their inevitably horrific powers to some accepted standard, instead of making sure that their carnage knows no limits?

i mean, that's the whole reason that arizona has DUI, DUI over .08, DUI over .15, and more related DUI charges, and that is what has helped reduce your state's DUI fatalities by a whole shitload. we set acceptable standards, we enforce them to limit carnage. and quite often, it really works, as evidenced by your very own state.

Your first "paragraphs" are reasonable, but still miss the point. Adam's mom said he was dangerous; asked for help; tried to subdue him. We need to make that possible if need be.

Your third and fourth one are asinine. There are actually MORE DUIs now then EVER in AZ... The Fatality rate has gone down due to the sober person being more aware, not the opposite.
The DUI lawas in AZ have not slowed down many; Sure they help a little, but the basis of drinking and driving is reckless. The basis of owning a 30round mag is not reckless... You compare pumpkins to grapes dude, lol.

You are stretching now, and I will continue to pull your limbs apart.
murder is illegal, but people still murder. so should we stop throwing the book at murderers then?

drunk driving is illegal, but kids still get run over by drunks behind the wheel. should we abandon your state's very successful attempt at common sense laws to curb the carnage?

you call me a halfwit after trying to sneak in NRA logic. what a fucking failure. i hate to say it, because i reserve this for failspammy, but that is even an unremitting failure. look at the thread you are in.
I don't even own a gun, "halfwit"

Look what thread you are in. At least I can use my brain. (If it were to ever happen, the only way to overthrow tyranny is to have power, and a lot of it)
it's very easily done. a few strokes of a pen, some votes, and a few more pen strokes.

the supply will never completely dry up, but it will prevent them from easily falling into the hands of some socially crippled dimwit who refuses a background check and steals his momma's legal play toys to go mow down a classroom full of kids and their teachers.

or some bizarre psycho who steals his daddy's 33 round mags and bloodies up a safeway parking lot.

or some quiet weirdo from just up and buying enough ammo and firepower to tear up an entire movie theater at once.

10 or 15 is enough for self defense.

Do you think anyone's gonna turn in their 30 round mags? Really?

Banning and trying to implement repossession will just add them to the already thriving black market inventories...

Probably double, if not more innocent people are killed in the US each day from GSW - I see no smoke bellowing from your breeches for all those lives lost... Just don't shoot 20 or more in a single place with a 30 round mag... You seem to have a serious problem with that...

Sickos are sickos... Their delusions will only further their resolve, banning because you COULD (keeping in mind spray and pray don't always work) kill more would seem like further incentive for sickos to get their hands on an item that may increase their strike rate.
Your first "paragraphs" are reasonable, but still miss the point. Adam's mom said he was dangerous; asked for help; tried to subdue him. We need to make that possible if need be.

she also took him to the gun range and did not keep her many guns properly secured, guns which she probably saw as "toys for the gun range" instead of a grave responsibility.

the point is people are fucking dumb. some dumb fucks will buy (and leave unsecured) a mass murderers wet dream cache of murder tools, all while taking that silly psycho to the gun range and then calling him dangerous and asking for help and trying to subdue him.

it is thanks to people like you that these people succeed.*

There are actually MORE DUIs now then EVER in AZ... The Fatality rate has gone down...


you have more DUI arrests and less DUI fatalities. this is because the same lawyers who will defend you from a DUI are the same lawyers who lobby for ever tougher DUI laws in your state.

i got one 10 years ago and i would NOT want one now.

due to the sober person being more aware, not the opposite.


suddenly, i am just imagining arizonans eating burritos as they pile down the I-10 at 85 miles per hour, talking on their phones while they tailgate someone by less than a car length while going 75 down the 101 in north scottsdale, and adjusting the radio as they fly down mcclintock past university and to a tumble roll into the parking lot of the old call center.

i just imagined all those scenarios, i've never actually seen arizonans drive :eyesmoke:

The DUI lawas in AZ have not slowed down many; Sure they help a little, but the basis of drinking and driving is reckless. The basis of owning a 30round mag is not reckless... You compare pumpkins to grapes dude, lol.

You are stretching now, and I will continue to pull your limbs apart.

i will not touch a beer if i have to go so far as 1/4 mile to the store for smokes in AZ, a 0.0000000001 is more fresh hell than any sane person wants.*

letting dumb people like lanza's mommy own all those fun murder toys is akin to encouraging children to run around holding grenades with loose pins.
I don't even own a gun, "halfwit"

Look what thread you are in. At least I can use my brain. (If it were to ever happen, the only way to overthrow tyranny is to have power, and a lot of it)

whether or not you own a gun is irrelevant to the fact that your NRA logic, a logic which asserts that laws are useless because people still break them.
Do you think anyone's gonna turn in their 30 round mags? Really?

no. did i ever say they would?

on that note, i bet plenty of people would participate in a buy back.

*Just don't shoot 20 or more in a single place with a 30 round mag... You seem to have a serious problem with that...

i do. most people do. don't you?

or is it OK if they are 20 jews?

Sickos are sickos... Their delusions will only further their resolve, banning because you COULD (keeping in mind spray and pray don't always work) kill more would seem like further incentive for sickos to get their hands on an item that may increase their strike rate.

loughner, lanza, and holmes all used legally purchased arms and ammo in their killing sprees.

you can't say that they would have obtained those weapons easily or even at all otherwise.*
she also took him to the gun range and did not keep her many guns properly secured, guns which she probably saw as "toys for the gun range" instead of a grave responsibility.

the point is people are fucking dumb. some dumb fucks will buy (and leave unsecured) a mass murderers wet dream cache of murder tools, all while taking that silly psycho to the gun range and then calling him dangerous and asking for help and trying to subdue him.

it is thanks to people like you that these people succeed.*


you have more DUI arrests and less DUI fatalities. this is because the same lawyers who will defend you from a DUI are the same lawyers who lobby for ever tougher DUI laws in your state.

i got one 10 years ago and i would NOT want one now.


suddenly, i am just imagining arizonans eating burritos as they pile down the I-10 at 85 miles per hour, talking on their phones while they tailgate someone by less than a car length while going 75 down the 101 in north scottsdale, and adjusting the radio as they fly down mcclintock past university and to a tumble roll into the parking lot of the old call center.

i just imagined all those scenarios, i've never actually seen arizonans drive :eyesmoke:

i will not touch a beer if i have to go so far as 1/4 mile to the store for smokes in AZ, a 0.0000000001 is more fresh hell than any sane person wants.*

letting dumb people like lanza's mommy own all those fun murder toys is akin to encouraging children to run around holding grenades with loose pins.

LOL you crack me up dude!

Yeah you're right, DUI's are up, fatalities down, but you fail to recognize the SAME amount of people still drive drunk, even with the new "harsh" laws! Which is exactly opposite of your point

Secondly, you have your streets mixed up, mcclintok and uni hs no chance of a tumble unless you're going 200mph (I drive that that intersection 3x per week).
Listen man, a chick on a cell phone driving a "large" vehicle, is far more dangerous (statistically speaking), than a rouge killer. The fact is that people die everyday, and we try to minimize that, but each death should be treated equal, which they are not, and fear drives motivation
Mommy Lanza is a bitch. She needs to go jail, find Jesus and finally learn guns were created by the devil to tempt us into hell.
it's very easily done. a few strokes of a pen, some votes, and a few more pen strokes.

the supply will never completely dry up, but it will prevent them from easily falling into the hands of some socially crippled dimwit who refuses a background check and steals his momma's legal play toys to go mow down a classroom full of kids and their teachers.

or some bizarre psycho who steals his daddy's 33 round mags and bloodies up a safeway parking lot.

or some quiet weirdo from just up and buying enough ammo and firepower to tear up an entire movie theater at once.

10 or 15 is enough for self defense.

I agree that 10-15 is plenty for most self defense situations. We were issued nothing but 10 round mags for our M16s when I was active duty. I always felt like it was foolish when larger capacity mags were available and our weapons were capable of full automatic fire. I think it was probably to reduce ammo costs at the expense of effectiveness.

On it's face, your argument is reasonable. Unfortunately, there is AMPLE recorded evidence that many have agendas to take it much further (quite a few in positions to make it a reality). It's going to be difficult to convince people it will go no further, when they hear politicians and gun control advocates calling for much more. Give them an inch and all...

And to be fair, they have a valid argument. If you open the door and they can limit mags to ten, then how hard will it be to attain five? Three? And then the next thing you know we are limited to single shot bolt action. Make no mistake, there are legions of people that want that very scenario and the gun owners KNOW IT. You're asking them to disregard what they've heard with their own ears and trust that the zealots will be satisfied with ten. That's a very hard sell and rightly so.
10 or 15 is not always enough for every self defense situation, you could easily be pinned down in a gun fight for an extended period of time and need a lot more. The government can't make magazines of a certain capacity disappear off the face of the earth and simply having 3 10 round pistols is just about as equivalent to having a 30 round mag. VT shooter only had a couple of pistols and it was one of the deadliest massacres in a long time.
10 or 15 is not always enough for every self defense situation, you could easily be pinned down in a gun fight for an extended period of time and need a lot more. The government can't make magazines of a certain capacity disappear off the face of the earth and simply having 3 10 round pistols is just about as equivalent to having a 30 round mag. VT shooter only had a couple of pistols and it was one of the deadliest massacres in a long time.

BULLSHIT...3 10 round mags is not the same as a 30 round mag. One I have to reload twice... the other is just bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. When you get a chance ask any law enforcement officer which would he rather face.
BULLSHIT...3 10 round mags is not the same as a 30 round mag. One I have to reload twice... the other is just bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. When you get a chance ask any law enforcement officer which would he rather face.

Or you could ask him which he would rather have.
BULLSHIT...3 10 round mags is not the same as a 30 round mag. One I have to reload twice... the other is just bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. When you get a chance ask any law enforcement officer which would he rather face.
As opposed to:
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

Those full stops even indicate a longer pause than it takes to reload.

I truely fail to see the difference, do you think if a gunman has any kind of cover you could rush him in less than the time it takes to change mag?

You'd be either suicidal or just stupid.

Just out of interest tho, you gonna ban shit like mag clamps and duct tape too?