NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections

It was lead acetete. It would bind with the grape juice. That's why the Romans called it sugar of lead. It is thought it was the first used artificial sweetener.
Seriously you never heard of leaded wine? The Romans used to heat lead basins with wine in them. The lead would bind to the wine and make it sweet. Only the rich could afford this.

litharge was used to make a syrup but the resulting product was free of actual lead. in theory...

most romans didnt drink sweet wines, they preferred the sour wines, and as they generally watered their wine, sweet wines would have tasted like shit.

spanish wines were sweetened with litharge until the 80's. i had a bottle of port from '86 with litharge listed on the label as an ingredient. this has lent credence to the cliam. back in '83 a dude wrote a paper on lead poisoning and it's role in romes fall, and he made the lead in the wine claim, but his paper was refuted by most historians.

the fact is, only wealthy romans had their own water pipes and cisterns, which were almost invariably lined with lead. poor folks got their water from the fountains and public water cisterns which were lined with clay.

the wealthy alsoi used pewter (lead and tin) plates cups and utensils while the poor used terracotta wood and bone.

studies of remains show wealthy romans (the few who were not cremated in the patrician style) had elevated lead levels in their bones, while poor corpses from the same timeframe (of which there are many) had little. the jury is still out, but it seems the rich roman was at risk from lead poisoning while the poorer roman was far less likely to flip his wig and start chewing on doorposts.
i for one am opposed to "Electronic Voting Machines" which are more like a video poker game than the electorate's will, since i know how supremely easy it is to change computer data. without even the comic relief of the hanging chad recount fiasco. you cant recount the vote with electronic voting, the number is set by the computer and can be changed by the computer, thus any vote rigging becomes permanent and irrevocable.

likewise the "Early Voting" scams are just a way to help people who cant be bothered to vote on election day, throw their opinion into the ring like it fucking counts. if they cant vote on tuesday they shouldnt get special election days for their useless asses.

i know the left LOVES to "get out the vote" since the uninformed make up the majority of their electorate, but do we have to make it so easy for them? whats next? census style door to door vote collection to ensure every voice counts, no matter how ill informed, unintelligent, or just plain stupid the respondent might be?

Welcome to a government of the people by the people for the people. People who can't vote on Tuesdays are usually people that have to work for a living. They don't have time stand in line for 3 to 6 hours. Adding extra days (including weekends) and absentee ballots cover those citizens who just can't vote on Election Day. That was me the last two elections. I cast my vote through absentee ballots.

And yes, I think we need to make it as easy as possible to vote. Door to door is a wonderful idea. It would allow the disadvantaged and elderly who don't have transportation to vote. Great idea. Think of how many jobs that would generate.
Welcome to a government of the people by the people for the people. People who can't vote on Tuesdays are usually people that have to work for a living. They don't have time stand in line for 3 to 6 hours. Adding extra days (including weekends) and absentee ballots cover those citizens who just can't vote on Election Day. That was me the last two elections. I cast my vote through absentee ballots.

And yes, I think we need to make it as easy as possible to vote. Door to door is a wonderful idea. It would allow the disadvantaged and elderly who don't have transportation to vote. Great idea. Think of how many jobs that would generate.

polls are open all day and into the late evening. i have never had to wait more than 20 minutes for a voting booth to open up, and as you mentioned, absentee ballots are easy to get. all you gotta do is request one.

the desire to get every vote possible, no matter how ill-informed the prospective voter may be is one of the things that makes our system so fucked up.

in california, where we have an crazy initiative process (that somehow still gets the right answer no matter how "racist" or un-progressive the idea may be) voting still requires the EFFORT of the electorate, not the casual indifference of the politically disinclined.

when you see people getting bussed to the polls or wlid schemes to convince people that they must "vote or die" or "they are trying to stop minorities from voting" you find wacky leftists, insane progressives or P Diddy leading the charge. it always comes back to the same thing. if you cant be bothered to vote you probably also cant be bothered to know what youre voting on, and thus should not vote at all.

informed opinions are something i can respect, but blind adherence to the slate provided by your church, the DNC, the RNC, GLAAD, the John Birch Society, the koch brothers or some other special interest group is more than just a waste of your vote, it's counter-productive.

thinking voters are welcome. sheep just fuck shit up with their droppings.
1 - The original article was written in the UK.
The UK should mind their own fuckin business along with Bono and Elton John.
2 - Here come the accuses after the election that hasn't been held yet.
This reminds me of the AlGore Florida recount.
3 - Why didn't McCain - Palin win in 2008??
This is just more liberal media bullshit if I ever saw it.
Defrutum was typically made by boiling grape juice in a lead pot to half it's volume. This was used as a flavor syrup enhancer. It could contain as much as 29 ppm of lead. That's unhealthy no matter how little was added.
1 - The original article was written in the UK.
The UK should mind their own fuckin business along with Bono and Elton John.
2 - Here come the accuses after the election that hasn't been held yet.
This reminds me of the AlGore Florida recount.
3 - Why didn't McCain - Palin win in 2008??
This is just more liberal media bullshit if I ever saw it.

I'm impressed at how many fallacies you were able to use in just 6 sentences.

Where the article was written has no saying on the factual nature of it.
I sense a bit of homophobia?

Accusations* - The article is just bringing up a valid point. I hardly believe you even read it because your following statement is answered in the fucking article.

They didn't win because the margin was so high on Obamas win, a 20% difference wasn't even enough to get a close race.
If you had read the article you would know this.
Except you didn't read it, you just assumed it was false because it goes against your beliefs.
What an ignorant bunch of statements you managed to type out.
Defrutum was typically made by boiling grape juice in a lead pot to half it's volume. This was used as a flavor syrup enhancer. It could contain as much as 29 ppm of lead. That's unhealthy no matter how little was added.

29 ppm is kinda low, i seen numbers estimated up in the 1000 mg/liter range but those claims are quite outre' however lead acetate has also been asserted to be biologically unavailable (dont ask me how) leaving the finished product with almost no free lead in solution (again ?? magic?) but still you would have to tear up a shitload of defrutum to get much lead through your food.

most romans didnt use the stuff, just a few gourmands who enjoyed violating the sumptuary laws.

romans loved sweet things, but not super sweet wines. when they wanted sweet things they usually went with honey. pewter tableware and lead lined aquaducts, pipes and cisterns in the homes of the rich were archeologically verified sources of lead.

when mixed with water 50/50 (as was the custom) sweet wines taste like piss, and cold piss at that. sour or tangy wines are not too bad though.

also, not the juice, "must". the crud left over after pressing for wine, mostly skins, and solids. the stuff they make grappa from these days. mmmm Grappa. i believe Cato had a recipe for defrutum i been meaning to try (hold the lead please) imma look that sucker up.

EDIT: nope, cato had the bomb recipe for Coan (raisin wine)

Columella had the recipe for defrutum.


"Some people put the must in leaden vessels and by boiling reduce it by a quarter, others by a third. There is no doubt that anyone who boiled it down to one-half would be likely to make a better thick form of must and therefore more profitable for use....But, before the must is poured into the boiling-vessels, it will be well that those which are made of lead should be coated inside with good oil and be well-rubbed, and that then the must should be put in....The vessels themselves in which the thickened and boiled-down must is boiled should be of lead rather than of brass; for, in the boiling, brazen vessels throw off copper rust [aerugo], and spoil the flavour of the preservative....Must of the sweetest possible flavour will be boiled down to a third of its original volume and when boiled down, as I have said above, is called defrutum"

you can see the lead kettle is oiled, reducing the amount of lead in the solution.

imma cook this shit tomorrow (in stainless steel)
I actually like the sweet wines best. My favorite is Lambrusco Bianco. That stuff is awesome. If I ever get a sour wine I'll just make it into a sangria.
romney is so confident because even the democrat propaganda TV stations abc/cbs/nbc are saying hes winning over obama lol. obama has had a comedy central special, an mtv special, and even a couple movies, and in the near future he'll have a national geographic special lol hes losing and hes getting desperate, this is too good

lead?!?! no wonder they were the "crazy rich". ingesting lead makes you go insane.
I actually like the sweet wines best. My favorite is Lambrusco Bianco. That stuff is awesome. If I ever get a sour wine I'll just make it into a sangria.

not sour ass vinegar, just tangy. like chianti.

dessert wines are for ponces.

except mead. ill fight a rabid bear for a cup of good mead.
I thought 29 ppm was high? The EPA says no more than 0.015 ppm is safe for humans in drinking water. 29 ppm is 1,934 times higher. Also my sources say lead precipitates past 500 ppm in water.
I thought 29 ppm was high? The EPA says no more than 0.015 ppm is safe for humans in drinking water. 29 ppm is 1,934 times higher. Also my sources say lead precipitates past 500 ppm in water.

but remember we is talking about a thick syrup of acidy sugary grape squeezings, not water. also the claims of 1000 mg/liter are as i said, Out There. all the classical recipes call for oiled lead kettles, not raw pure lead beakers and concentrators.

cooking in lead, like cooking in cast iron doesnt deliver the concentrations you might get from long term storage. ill cook the shit out of a ragu in a cast iron pot (thats my gam gam's old favorite cookpot) and it rocks hard, but if you leave your sauce in that fucker for more than an hour or so you taste only rust. and that just aint yummylicious.

im no fan of lead. i like my brain functional so i dont wind up votin democrat, but lead is not as dangerous as the eggheads claim. it actually passes out of your system if your not soaking in it. im exposed to "dangerous levels of lead" every day when i reload ammo, clean my guns, handle my engine bearings, polish my valve seats, or use my old school weights. gettin lead into yoyr system isnt so easy, and gettin it out isnt that hard. back in the 70's the lead propaganda made this useful material my grandpappy used around the house all his life into a deadly menace.
I don't know what you're talking about. Le Grotte Lambrusco is the shit. It's like big boy 7-up.

lambrusco is the sweet fruity white wine from northern italy right?

it doesnt have the syrupy added sweeteners of dessert wines, that shit is just WRONG. like port, and that shit that was all the rage in the 80's... fuck.... spanish artificially sweetened wine with an english city's name?

edit; Harvey's bristol creme! thats the shit im thinkin of! old school panty peeler from before the invention of "date rape". its like a roofie in a bottle. kicks like a particulalry bad tempered mule, but tastes like melted gummiworms going down.
Yep, sweet fruity wine with fizz. Lambrusco comes in rosso and bianco varieties. Lambrusco Bianco is slightly more fruity than Gewurztraminer.