Diggidy McDank
What's up Nugs.....
Been following you for some time now, your mainlining tech is f'n sweet bro. Thanks for taking the time to document and teach us following nerds. I'm in the process of switching over to SS and am going to give your mainling a try. Reason for my post is I was searching for some smarties and came across these on Ebay, they look pretty nice I think I'm going to pick up a few and wanted to share my find. Keep up the awesomeness
Been following you for some time now, your mainlining tech is f'n sweet bro. Thanks for taking the time to document and teach us following nerds. I'm in the process of switching over to SS and am going to give your mainling a try. Reason for my post is I was searching for some smarties and came across these on Ebay, they look pretty nice I think I'm going to pick up a few and wanted to share my find. Keep up the awesomeness
