Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

@mwooten102 I'm interested in a dobie pup. any body you know have a good blood line?
I've been bit 3 times in my life, all 3 times by Dobermans. 3 different Dobermans.
First time I was 10-11 years old playing at a friends house. We were rough housing and that Dobie nailed my ass. Could have been real bad, no parents were home.
Second time was at my cousin's house, again playing and got nailed.
The third time we were playing "hide and go seek". I was hiding behind a car, the lady who owned the car and the dog. She seen me behind the car hiding, she thought I was vandalizing the car so she let that Doberman on me. That dog got me good, I wasn't expecting that dog to be there.
So Doberman's are great dogs, I just get a little nervous around them.