Nuggs 2015 russet mite war


Well-Known Member
Yesterday they voted .not the people's choice. The county's decided no more outdoor growing. It's legal to grow 12 Indoor in an effort to controlled the huge outdoor grows.the indoor medical grows meet code enforcement.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday they voted .not the people's choice. The county's decided no more outdoor growing. It's legal to grow 12 Indoor in an effort to controlled the huge outdoor grows.the indoor medical grows meet code enforcement.
Well I guess our outdoor land prices just went other counties...:wink:


Well-Known Member
My friend in yuba is already looking to move. Just talked to his wife . He's out looking for a. Place now.


Well-Known Member
that no outdoor ordinance, isn't it like all the rest of em'...civil only, and complaint driven nuisances. Nuisance ordinances are almost impossible to enforce, and even if they win, they can only remove the grow. That's the way it is in almost all counties now. I;m not positive about Yuba, I didn't read it yet, but the other counties are like ours. Complaint driven only. No compaint, no nuisance, therefore no problem and allowed. It's just a matter of getting far enough out, and having enough land so your neighbors can't see or smell it. We are only allowed 100 sq ft. here but everybody is going at it business as usual.

My old house, is too close to a park, too close to a bus stop, not enough property (3/4 acre) and no way to get set back right, In other words it's a no no according to the ordinance to grow ANY outdoor there. I have nnon-smoking neighbors on 3 sides, and still pulled 35 full season plants out of there the last 2 years in a row, with the ordinance in place. No problems.
No compaints! No problem. One neighbor, a few house down, have a garden outside, and not enough land and so forth, They had 24 plants....not allowed any there outside. They had a probation search, and found some small amounts of heroin, and the probation person went to jail. They didn't say anything about the grow! No compaint, No problem!
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Well-Known Member
not trying to change the convo though. I heard the Russett mites were not effected by any of the normal organic methods once you have an outbreak. You must get a mitiicides to fight em' with, or your gonna lose. Once you get em' gone, you can keep em' away organically, but not get rid of em'.
And yes, Russett mites are NOT new. They are actually also called Hemp mites! And yes, they are worse when it's dry. They will be worse this year due to no rain again.
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Well-Known Member
well, I have them too :( sigh. Thank you very much Nuggs for coming and diagnosing them for me. I had no idea, just thought I had the two spotted buggers. Going to get to spraying here in just a bit. grrrrr


Well-Known Member
Similar symptoms as yours. Mine are much worse though
You need to do a root drench with green clean or worry free or avid or forbid 4 . Some kind of mite aside . Google these products and order it. dunk ready and bleach your.area them. Sorry my writing. Is.bad.cause.I'm.'s. A.pain in.the butt.


Well-Known Member
that no outdoor ordinance, isn't it like all the rest of em'...civil only, and complaint driven nuisances. Nuisance ordinances are almost impossible to enforce, and even if they win, they can only remove the grow. That's the way it is in almost all counties now. I;m not positive about Yuba, I didn't read it yet, but the other counties are like ours. Complaint driven only. No compaint, no nuisance, therefore no problem and allowed. It's just a matter of getting far enough out, and having enough land so your neighbors can't see or smell it. We are only allowed 100 sq ft. here but everybody is going at it business as usual.

My old house, is too close to a park, too close to a bus stop, not enough property (3/4 acre) and no way to get set back right, In other words it's a no no according to the ordinance to grow ANY outdoor there. I have nnon-smoking neighbors on 3 sides, and still pulled 35 full season plants out of there the last 2 years in a row, with the ordinance in place. No problems.
No compaints! No problem. One neighbor, a few house down, have a garden outside, and not enough land and so forth, They had 24 plants....not allowed any there outside. They had a probation search, and found some small amounts of heroin, and the probation person went to jail. They didn't say anything about the grow! No compaint, No problem!
They said in yuba county it's a.1000 plant. And they.plan to enforce it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yesterday they voted .not the people's choice. The county's decided no more outdoor growing. It's legal to grow 12 Indoor in an effort to controlled the huge outdoor grows.the indoor medical grows meet code enforcement.
yeah, because everybody knows plants evolved wait.