nuggs 2016


Well-Known Member
Hi ya'all ,
After a great year in 2015 it's time to start another year . I'm cleaning out my ignored bug infested clone room to figure out what I'm going to run this year. haha yeah thing are going to be different this year. stay tuned folk's !IMG_0543.JPG
Welcome Rudy ! Thanks for chiming in Bro! For sure welcome here. Glad to see your garden looking so good this year. I have my pitbull Bubba for now. he got a new bed for Christmas! I'm getting the new puppy before long. Stay tuned She's one of the highlights of my thread this year. I have lots of thing planned :!:
Welcome Rudy ! Thanks for chiming in Bro! For sure welcome here. Glad to see your garden looking so good this year. I have my pitbull Bubba for now. he got a new bed for Christmas! I'm getting the new puppy before long. Stay tuned She's one of the highlights of my thread this year. I have lots of thing planned :!:
A new bed thats great man bubba would love the new sleeping pad for sure ...ur happiness comes across in your writing thats cool man.
Working on worm compost and organic soil mix for next year at the moment ;)
The soil at the end of season this year is 2 grows old id like to move that into the chilli patch and do a newer organic mix for next season