Nug's 330w CMH grow (5 types of kush)


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the huge pics. Don't know to resize them on my phone so ill do it on my comp when I get home tonight


Active Member
Sorry for the huge pics. Don't know to resize them on my phone so ill do it on my comp when I get home tonight
its hard to see the leaves try and get something white for the background to focus better!!
plants look nice though and thats cool that you were flying a plane man i spend lots of time in helicopters at my job and i would love to fly one!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah im gonna look for the camera charger cuz its really hard to get focused pics with my phone.

That's awsome man. Haven't been a chopper yet but sure want too. I used to be a maintance technician for c-130s (huge military plane) and a little bit of work on the apaches. Still remember having to safety wire every bolt and nut, what a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Just realized I tossed the leaves and they woulda been dried up now anyways so no quality pics unlless problem persists.

Im gettin so anxious for the lights to come on at 9 so I can see if the droopiness got better haha. Got used to comin home and sayin hi to the ladies, now I miss not seein them and its only been one day haha

It wasn't literally every nut n bolt but good portion of them and if u know bout safety wiriing, it can take 20 mmin tto do 2 bolts if its in a tight spot, plus the razor sharp edges of the end of the wire flingin around cuttin up ur hand, arms and sometimes face. Fun stuff haha

I would come home every night looking like I got attacked by a pack of wild cats.


Well-Known Member
Thank u sir.

I forgot to mention some sad news, don't feel like explaining the story behind this right now but mu buddy was supposed to pick up those 3 exmoms I had and he took to long so my gf ended up tearing them to bits. :sad: I was gonna take buncha cuts from them too.

Maybe that's why the ladies got droopy? They could feel that their friends got killed haha


Active Member
Just realized I tossed the leaves and they woulda been dried up now anyways so no quality pics unlless problem persists.

Im gettin so anxious for the lights to come on at 9 so I can see if the droopiness got better haha. Got used to comin home and sayin hi to the ladies, now I miss not seein them and its only been one day haha

It wasn't literally every nut n bolt but good portion of them and if u know bout safety wiriing, it can take 20 mmin tto do 2 bolts if its in a tight spot, plus the razor sharp edges of the end of the wire flingin around cuttin up ur hand, arms and sometimes face. Fun stuff haha

I would come home every night looking like I got attacked by a pack of wild cats.
Haha thats awesome, no im not familiar with it but sounds rough lol
post some more pics later when you can!!


Well-Known Member
Ill take some when the lights kick on so u guys can see the color of the cmh compared to reg mh.

I also didn't mention that I got 3 clones that I rooted last week and they have also gone into flowering with all the others. So I will have 3 mini ladies and 4 big ones. They were 16-18in tall when I measure yesterday. So they should be pretty decent size once done flowerin.


Well-Known Member
So finally lights came on so I could check on them and there 95% backk to normal. Thank god cuz I got a lil scared. Guess they just needed to get used to the light.

Im gonna wattch the new episode of weeds and then ill post some new pics. Anny of u guys watch the new season? Its fuckin nuts


Well-Known Member
Hey lostnug dropping in late but i'm here! plants are looking good I hate when you get those weird deficiencies you just cant pinpoint :/ my last grow I had similar issues with the browning on a few leaves never seen anything white yet though not sure.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah hopefully that shit doesn't come back.

Here's some pics... the last 2 are of the different lights. Cmh is much more yellow/red and almost twice as bright as the reg mh sylvania bulb and its 70 less watts.

Oh yeah and the temps have actually dropped pretty decent amount. It hasn't got over 80 degrees so wont be running ac anymore. That will help big time on the elctric bill. So im lovin the CMH even more now. Anyone that's havin heat issues or doesn't want to have heat issues I recommend you go with a cmh.

Madman og, sfv og, and blackberry og clones put into 12/12 2 weeks after beeing cut. Gonna transplant them to baby pots ( I think their one gallon) in the next couple days cuz roots are comin outa bottom of the cups.

Sylvania 400w mh bulb

Im thinking about taking 1 or 2 clones before the ladies get too far into flower to either put into aerogarden or mother at the collective.
i like it nug i got a question?.....say you cut a 4-6 inch cutting and force flower it after 2 weeks or root developement like you said you just did how big would you yield off that one clone?would it be one 6-8 inch budd or a mini plant?coz i wanted to try the sog method with a bunch of 44oz cups and foot tall plants...coz id rather knock off some time to harvest more frequently coz i smoke more than im growin hahahaha


Well-Known Member
i like it nug i got a question?.....say you cut a 4-6 inch cutting and force flower it after 2 weeks or root developement like you said you just did how big would you yield off that one clone?would it be one 6-8 inch budd or a mini plant?coz i wanted to try the sog method with a bunch of 44oz cups and foot tall plants...coz id rather knock off some time to harvest more frequently coz i smoke more than im growin hahahaha
This is my first time putting clones staight into flower so I have no idea man sorry . If don't do any kind of lst and use a screen set up then im sure can make it one big chola. If If I get an 1/2oz to 3/4oz of each one ill be happy. There's few people on here who have done this before that im sure. Couuld give u a better answer. Let me know what u find out

Thanks green. Im very happy with the temp drop because I really wasn't expecting much.


Active Member
This is my first time putting clones staight into flower so I have no idea man sorry . If don't do any kind of lst and use a screen set up then im sure can make it one big chola. If If I get an 1/2oz to 1oz of each one ill be happy. There's few people on here who have done this before that im sure. Couuld give u a better answer. Let me know what u find out

Thanks green. Im very happy with the temp drop because I really wasn't expecting much.
thats awesome how much of a drop was it exactly?


Well-Known Member
4-5 degrees at the most. It would get upto 85 in there during hottest time and now it stays 79-80.

I think the bulb just need to be "broken in" because when I first put it in the temps didn't really change.


Well-Known Member
I just started reading up on ur kelp thread greennewfie and im really interested. Im gonna check the local hydro shops to see ifthey have anything like that and if not ill go to the beach tmrw and make my own. I didn't read the whole thread so is there step by step instructions in there on how to make ur own?


Well-Known Member
ok so i think those weird white spots or "scars" are from thrips! i found this pic in a thread and it looked just like whats on the leaves. i havent seen anymore of it since so hopefully they dont return. but i am gonna go pick up pyrenthrum spray just incase.

heres a couple pics of 2 leaves i pulled of one plant. everything else looks fine. kidna looks like calcium def to me in the first 2 pics? what u guys think?



Active Member
hard to say for me im not sure check this site out Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial - 420 Magazine

And the seaweed kelp thread is awesome man there is a step by step guide on there but all you have to do is get a bucket fill it up 1/2 to 3/4 with seaweed and then pour un-chlorinated water in it till its almost full and add a little molasses
or you can put it in a grinder and make it more potent and ferment quicker there is alot of good info in the thread if you wanna read more!!