NukeHeads Seed Bank


I own NukeHeads, we have several employee's and we rarely to ever visit this forum, but we recently noticed other seed bank competitors going on attacks against us, in fact we have screen shots of competitors mobilizing their community to make false reviews about us. It saddens my heart people come to this. I spent thousands of hours to learn CNC machining, C/C++ progrqamming in linux and windows, to be able to build my custom designs, our website, our products and I feel what I made myself capable of is making our service unique to competitors who cannot match what I offer.

Were " THE " only state of the art seed bank that uses advanced machines customizing every order for every customer; our seeds come from legendary breeders.

We've been finding as our customer base grows, so does the competitors hate towards are superior unique services. So I joined this forum in order to simply address
any concerns. MODS or ADMINS if I need to become a paid advertiser here please feel free to email me the campaigns, and programs for me to be able to come here and address your visitors concerns regarding our business. I'm tired of being humble , kind, and loving and doing an amazing service we take to heart for every person doing business with us, only to feel that were stressing out the competition who now seeks our demise by sending false reviews and loyalist to attack our brand and service.

Much love everyone ...
I own NukeHeads, we have several employee's and we rarely to ever visit this forum, but we recently noticed other seed bank competitors going on attacks against us, in fact we have screen shots of competitors mobilizing their community to make false reviews about us. It saddens my heart people come to this. I spent thousands of hours to learn CNC machining, C/C++ progrqamming in linux and windows, to be able to build my custom designs, our website, our products and I feel what I made myself capable of is making our service unique to competitors who cannot match what I offer.

Were " THE " only state of the art seed bank that uses advanced machines customizing every order for every customer; our seeds come from legendary breeders.

We've been finding as our customer base grows, so does the competitors hate towards are superior unique services. So I joined this forum in order to simply address
any concerns. MODS or ADMINS if I need to become a paid advertiser here please feel free to email me the campaigns, and programs for me to be able to come here and address your visitors concerns regarding our business. I'm tired of being humble , kind, and loving and doing an amazing service we take to heart for every person doing business with us, only to feel that were stressing out the competition who now seeks our demise by sending false reviews and loyalist to attack our brand and service.

Much love everyone ...
You'll have to pay to do anything here related to your business. Hell people cant even start threads about gear they got from me without being told it is spamming for me.
You'll have to pay to do anything here related to your business. Hell people cant even start threads about gear they got from me without being told it is spamming for me.

Sadly, this industry costs allot in order to run business of any sorts. From what I paid other major magazines etc.. it's so costly for individuals to start a business in this industry. Rollit up has to make their money too as they cannot be a free medium for everyone promoting what they sell or do. I don't let people come on our business facebook pages and promote competitors products or products that aren't none-competing unless we have a business relationship. Why should I when I spent thousands of dollars to get my forums, pages, and facebook groups to where they are at only to let someone use it freely to have a fast come up. So I understand Rollit Up's position and I respect that. I just unfortunately cannot have negative posts made here about my business which aren't true, or are paid attacks to assault my reputaiton, when I care and love my fellow human beings and I work hard at heart to provide everyone the best services they can feel assured all that hard work to get their paycheck at the end of the week spent on my services isnt a waste of time and money. Hell, I went hard core vegan, to save the planet ( as I grew up eating meat as most do in Texas, and now I'm in Colorado, and want to bring no harm to anything for my own gain and good health so after watching Arnold schwarzeneggers Game Changers Netflix, I went hard core Vegan to further express my commitment to being a good human before I die one day trying to help everyone and everything be better and happier. So I'm here right now looking to become a paid advertiser here , but in the mean time I am simply going to respect a Rollit ups zero advertising policy if I'm not authorized to do so. I just hope they have mercy and kindness enough to let ME address any complaints directed at my business as I am not promoting nor advertising but simply defending my righteousness. Much love and prosperity to all who read this and may your life be lifted.
Sadly, this industry costs allot in order to run business of any sorts. From what I paid other major magazines etc.. it's so costly for individuals to start a business in this industry. Rollit up has to make their money too as they cannot be a free medium for everyone promoting what they sell or do. I don't let people come on our business facebook pages and promote competitors products or products that aren't none-competing unless we have a business relationship. Why should I when I spent thousands of dollars to get my forums, pages, and facebook groups to where they are at only to let someone use it freely to have a fast come up. So I understand Rollit Up's position and I respect that. I just unfortunately cannot have negative posts made here about my business which aren't true, or are paid attacks to assault my reputaiton, when I care and love my fellow human beings and I work hard at heart to provide everyone the best services they can feel assured all that hard work to get their paycheck at the end of the week spent on my services isnt a waste of time and money. Hell, I went hard core vegan, to save the planet ( as I grew up eating meat as most do in Texas, and now I'm in Colorado, and want to bring no harm to anything for my own gain and good health so after watching Arnold schwarzeneggers Game Changers Netflix, I went hard core Vegan to further express my commitment to being a good human before I die one day trying to help everyone and everything be better and happier. So I'm here right now looking to become a paid advertiser here , but in the mean time I am simply going to respect a Rollit ups zero advertising policy if I'm not authorized to do so. I just hope they have mercy and kindness enough to let ME address any complaints directed at my business as I am not promoting nor advertising but simply defending my righteousness. Much love and prosperity to all who read this and may your life be lifted.
Welcome to Rollitup. @Advertising @ Rollitup

ok so could you please elaborate further on the existing(?) cooling system because we are getting reports of burnt COBs and fire-alerts...?
We have thousands of 100% USA hand built units in circulation , the units have been tested thoroughly by Doctors in Electrical engineering and I am part of the Tesla convention committee of engineeering sciences as owner of NukeHeads I circle myself with loving intellects who by day are professors teaching Graduate students at University of Colorado, and at night they are at the inventors building where I frequent as we convert gas cars to full electrical drive trains taking crashed up Teslas apart and retrofitting them to Mini Coopers trying to make earth cleaner and greener. I have videos of such on our NukeHeads 2 YouTube channsl. There is a YouTuber who bought our grow light KIT, and purposely used other parts that didn't come with the kit, this kit was designed with full support of the electrical engineering team at the Colorado Springs Makers Building during my design phases. This person who bought the kit and did not use the specialized parts that came with it improperly built it with wires not meant for the design to purposely poorly reflect the products design , and subsequently the light got hot and he then grew with this light for almost a year. We invited this person to our Facebook business page and thats when the Jerry springer drama began ! This persons sole purpose was to try and discredit our products but regardless we have thousands of happy customers and over 100 commercialhrow operations qho bought bulk are runningour systemto date . This person who made these false claims was removed from our facebook business group for spouting Trump politics and racial slurs and became rude when asked to follow TOS/Guidelines however it didn't cease . This person I refer to his YouTube channel is PatsFan420 after reviewing several hours of his YouTube content and his long rambling hate messages , snappy cuss words,, hasty angry statements .. we felt sad for him and though he attacks us we don't feel its truly about us its something deeper much deeper.. We know his attacks is because we removed him from our facebook business page for being downright cruel, disrespectful, insulting and sour in every way. Our business condones ONLY love, not hatred, racism, or politics and he was violating various members of our group attacking their spiritual stances and joys of growing weed with very unwanted hasty nasty obnoxious statements , and was of disrespectful statements constantly even after asked to calm down as we became patient with him realizing there's a disorder wwre dealing with and our loving patient hearts did our best to an extent beyond most businesses would ever tolerate! PatsFan420'a respect wasnt there nor any form of love or kindness from him and had us confused as his behavior made no logic or sense! As a mushroom growing, love earth , trees and the bees believing person who feels the mycellium network proves earth is alive and we all cane from fungus 750mill years ago ( citing Paul Stamets ) I patiently deploy love the best I can to difficult people trying to connect and harmonize with them, but it simply wasn't happeningwith PatsFan420... I Cody Oebel, owner of NukeHeads determined this PatsFan420 has a mental disorder and then to confirm my thoughts he actually Facebook messaged me stating since his war/combat activities he has a mental disorder. I fell sadly heart broken because nothing I could tell the guy calmed him or made him realize you can't be mean to people the way he was in my business social media pages.. So this very person making such claims about our grow lights who incorrectly built the kit on purpose was once invited kindly to our business page long ago, and his disorder was expressed quickly in his none loving conduct and in his many attacks we concluded sadly he is trapped in a spiraling unhappy world of anger and discontent as he textually attacked members grow posts with no motive or reason his attacks were entirely random. It made no sense except his PUBLIC report to us he has some form of instability we again let him back in now feeling O.K he admits to this lets work with it and try and calm the beast, but there was no calming PatsFan420 who attacks our businessto this day under facebook ID Eric Turner yet we lovingly patiently just ignore it. So we here at NukeHeads feel badly for PatsFan420 ( youtube search his channel PatsFan420 ) and after his removal from our Facebook business page for his nevee ending attacks against members posting plant photos or joyful achievements in growing..we removed him and we feel his disorder has caused him to be very concentric to attacking our business as a whole ever sincw, but its O.K I told my staff to love and forgive such attacks it represents likely some horrors he went through in war/combat that he PUBLICLY informed us of as he is nice and kind one second then the next second full of disrespect and hatred with no cause or reason .. watching his YouTube channel its very sad the darkness under his eyes makes him look as though he never sleeps and it breaks our hearts that the more kind we've been to him it oddly fuels him in reciprocation to attack us in anger... Were not physhcologist, were Horticulturist and physchonauts seeking mother earths organic medicines. Much love everyone I dont have time to keep coming here to entertain an adult child's relentless attacks because 98% of everyone saying negative things about our business were people we removed from our business Facebook page for doing things to others we feel is spiritually wrong and offensive. We don't deal with cynics like Sith in Starwars, only love and compromise like the Jedi !
We have thousands of 100% USA hand built units in circulation , the units have been tested thoroughly by Doctors in Electrical engineering and I am part of the Tesla convention committee of engineeering sciences as owner of NukeHeads I circle myself with loving intellects who by day are professors teaching Graduate students at University of Colorado, and at night they are at the inventors building where I frequent as we convert gas cars to full electrical drive trains taking crashed up Teslas apart and retrofitting them to Mini Coopers trying to make earth cleaner and greener. I have videos of such on our NukeHeads 2 YouTube channsl. There is a YouTuber who bought our grow light KIT, and purposely used other parts that didn't come with the kit, this kit was designed with full support of the electrical engineering team at the Colorado Springs Makers Building during my design phases. This person who bought the kit and did not use the specialized parts that came with it improperly built it with wires not meant for the design to purposely poorly reflect the products design , and subsequently the light got hot and he then grew with this light for almost a year. We invited this person to our Facebook business page and thats when the Jerry springer drama began ! This persons sole purpose was to try and discredit our products but regardless we have thousands of happy customers and over 100 commercialhrow operations qho bought bulk are runningour systemto date . This person who made these false claims was removed from our facebook business group for spouting Trump politics and racial slurs and became rude when asked to follow TOS/Guidelines however it didn't cease . This person I refer to his YouTube channel is PatsFan420 after reviewing several hours of his YouTube content and his long rambling hate messages , snappy cuss words,, hasty angry statements .. we felt sad for him and though he attacks us we don't feel its truly about us its something deeper much deeper.. We know his attacks is because we removed him from our facebook business page for being downright cruel, disrespectful, insulting and sour in every way. Our business condones ONLY love, not hatred, racism, or politics and he was violating various members of our group attacking their spiritual stances and joys of growing weed with very unwanted hasty nasty obnoxious statements , and was of disrespectful statements constantly even after asked to calm down as we became patient with him realizing there's a disorder wwre dealing with and our loving patient hearts did our best to an extent beyond most businesses would ever tolerate! PatsFan420'a respect wasnt there nor any form of love or kindness from him and had us confused as his behavior made no logic or sense! As a mushroom growing, love earth , trees and the bees believing person who feels the mycellium network proves earth is alive and we all cane from fungus 750mill years ago ( citing Paul Stamets ) I patiently deploy love the best I can to difficult people trying to connect and harmonize with them, but it simply wasn't happeningwith PatsFan420... I Cody Oebel, owner of NukeHeads determined this PatsFan420 has a mental disorder and then to confirm my thoughts he actually Facebook messaged me stating since his war/combat activities he has a mental disorder. I fell sadly heart broken because nothing I could tell the guy calmed him or made him realize you can't be mean to people the way he was in my business social media pages.. So this very person making such claims about our grow lights who incorrectly built the kit on purpose was once invited kindly to our business page long ago, and his disorder was expressed quickly in his none loving conduct and in his many attacks we concluded sadly he is trapped in a spiraling unhappy world of anger and discontent as he textually attacked members grow posts with no motive or reason his attacks were entirely random. It made no sense except his PUBLIC report to us he has some form of instability we again let him back in now feeling O.K he admits to this lets work with it and try and calm the beast, but there was no calming PatsFan420 who attacks our businessto this day under facebook ID Eric Turner yet we lovingly patiently just ignore it. So we here at NukeHeads feel badly for PatsFan420 ( youtube search his channel PatsFan420 ) and after his removal from our Facebook business page for his nevee ending attacks against members posting plant photos or joyful achievements in growing..we removed him and we feel his disorder has caused him to be very concentric to attacking our business as a whole ever sincw, but its O.K I told my staff to love and forgive such attacks it represents likely some horrors he went through in war/combat that he PUBLICLY informed us of as he is nice and kind one second then the next second full of disrespect and hatred with no cause or reason .. watching his YouTube channel its very sad the darkness under his eyes makes him look as though he never sleeps and it breaks our hearts that the more kind we've been to him it oddly fuels him in reciprocation to attack us in anger... Were not physhcologist, were Horticulturist and physchonauts seeking mother earths organic medicines. Much love everyone I dont have time to keep coming here to entertain an adult child's relentless attacks because 98% of everyone saying negative things about our business were people we removed from our business Facebook page for doing things to others we feel is spiritually wrong and offensive. We don't deal with cynics like Sith in Starwars, only love and compromise like the Jedi !

Nothing to do with the drama. But seriously.

I couldn't even read his post and was just going to post something along these lines. It hurt my head.

I just scan read it and saw references to Tesla, Mini Coopers, Colorado Springs, racial slurs, trump, and a bunch of stuff about PatFans420. Nothing that warranted a full reading. But I might have to read it fully. I'll admit I'm hooked on this soap opera going on. Can't wait for the next episode. :bigjoint:
I just scan read it and saw references to Tesla, Mini Coopers, Colorado Springs, racial slurs, trump, and a bunch of stuff about PatFans420. Nothing that warranted a full reading. But I might have to read it fully. I'll admit I'm hooked on this soap opera going on. Can't wait for the next episode. :bigjoint:
read it - it's semi-brilliant. well thought out - naive folks may fall for it. but also revealing. PREPOSTEROUS! a funny read :D
As a small business owner as well, I feel like your approach is all wrong here @NukeHeads. Really, any time you see someone online whining about being victimized you usually just assume both parties suck.

If I were you, I would have contacted the site admins about becoming an advertiser FIRST. Then I would have checked out a bunch of grow journals and picked some well established growers to ask to trial your gear, politely requesting they journal it or post a review.

Take Barney's Farm for example. They have a horrendous reputation here on the forum. But they aren't here complaining about it. Why? Because they don't care. They know they're advertising, accessibility and representation world-wide supercedes anything some weed nerds say on one of dozens of forums.

If you want people to believe you have a good product, all you need to do is make them aware it exists then let the product speak for itself.

You can say anything you want but I won't know it's true unless I grow some of your beans, or see someone I trust grow them.
I were you, I would have contacted the site admins about becoming an advertiser FIRST. Then I would have checked out a bunch of grow journals and picked some well established growers to ask to trial your gear, politely requesting they journal it or post a review.
its been offered to him in January, yet he isnt off. Sponsor, although for a man of his standing, that should be a minor issue. Therefore Im not buying the Tesla ruse.

His post history is quite revealing... :blsmoke: :wall::P

He could offer legit proof of quality if everything he writes is true.
I’m laughing hard right now

Laughing is a most wonderful thing keep doing it ;) . However I'm exhausted from negativity I don't feel the need to entertain people's boredom who feeds on negative drama, and I uave video for everything I say I do check my YouTube channels out " NukeHeads 2 and NukeHeads 3 " As owner of any business dealing with bored dramatic negative peoplecomes with the job. Can't please everyone as the old saying goes. Much love to you all and seriously have a great day dont let this virus get yah down and if it does get yah.. eat Reishi mushrooms and turkey tale mushrooms to boost your immunity system.. our DNA has a missing sequence and its found in fungi where we once was fungus.. cool ehh we were all mushrooms / fungus as I am citing research done by the great intilligent and most loving Paul Stamets! Its a beautiful Saturday, im going to spend it with my kids, and do some Thielle and Small parameter calculations as Im going to video log my 150db+ car audio build with four SKAR EVL 15inch sub woofers and an Orion HCCA 15.2 amp and will video log installing the 350amp alternator ... quarantine has me using my CNC machine for random projects and car audio that I find very fun..

Much love and kindness to you all today and may the trolls and the negative energy types post their negatives if it makes them happy well I bless them with any happiness they can get even if its different than how I get mine !
Sorry couldn’t help it, these dudes on here are funny as hell. They can really expose someone haha. Paul Stamets is the shit.
Sorry couldn’t help it, these dudes on here are funny as hell. They can really expose someone haha. Paul Stamets is the shit.

I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, I grew up out in Poteet, TX PualyD I see the satx part of your ID ! I gotta fly back out there and catch up with friends and visit my mom. This virus has been a real nasty problem ! I'm an open book who self exposes what I do, how I think, with no filters and when I let online people get me mad it really showed in any of my replies.. I try hard to be egoless and prideless and just be human and use righteous.. I always in the past had a bad temper with online trolls for years, but recent family deaths, people and friends I knew dying of heart attacks most recently has made me value life differently. There is no value in the never ending bitterness of some people's relentless online attacks and angers which has changed my behavior and personality allot in dealing with online people ... I might go as far as to say entering the world of mycology has helped to open my mind that none of these negatives things matter only the good and what comes shall come regardless good or bad. Trolls statements and problems is not worth getting mad about its what they want they feed off angering others .. I find many of them are just unhappy with life and its sad even sadder they wish to push it onto others as if they don't want to feel alone in being sour... I have grown as a human with an online business to avoid such.. now I do have some hot headed staff working for me and if you get them mad they will let you know.. but I try and be the once hot headed now calmer with Buddha example to my team of how they need to approach challenges with customers being difficult..

Anyhow, please don't feel insulted if I don't reply back for quite a while I'm not here to breed negativity and I hope the moderators here neutralize such in an expedient manner, feel free to reach out to me through various means of online social media ... I'm but a click away , a day later and a day wiser I become, but I hope to make new friends each day I'm blessed with air to breath and life to live !

- Cody Oebel