number 2!


Well-Known Member
question! I have 4 plants currently, 3 of them look great! but one of them is starting to sag like crazy... like its canopy is to heavy for it and not enough light is getting to its lower branches, Is it possible its to bushy or something? I mean its only like 3 weeks old and I have a ton of lights... Idk man, shits crazy! I just fed em right now and the other day and they are starting to look better, already smelly at 3 weeks old into veg haha, Ill throw up some pics later if ya want! peace!


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on them to strengthen the stalks?

you could put up a chicken wire or something to support


Well-Known Member
Sagging babies is usually a water issue.. need more info.. I water at that age once every 3-4 days...

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
May be a little too much for small plants with under developed root networks. Might want to stretch the time to 4-5 days with the one at least.


Well-Known Member
The best way to water is to just wait for the plants to tell you. If you watch them, you can tell if they are getting thirsty just by their appearance.

Also are you using soil or hydro?

if soil, stick ur finger about an inch down into the pot and see if the dirt is moist or dry. If its moist, let her go another couple days.