Number of plants

Has anyone had success in growing more than 3 plants at a time? I've got a Deluxe, so I guess I could go to 7 theoretically, but that the roots would get choked up before I get to that point. I'll usually be growing feminised autoflowering varieties.


Welcome to RIU serengetiuk! I have not personally, but think three is pushing it.

I have two autoflowering LR2 plants growing in Pro200s, one plant per AG. Just one takes up alot of room (plant and roots). If you were to put three or more in, than the plants would have limited room to grow.


Well-Known Member
serengetiuk: I've got 3 plants in my VeggiePro. 2/3 are above 9 inches, the 3rd is about 2 inches (started later).

My Res is I'd say 40% occupied by roots. I've had to turn the AG off (using Air Pump with Stone) and using the lights via a Figure 8 plug.

Neither of the 3 are Auto's, however....... I'd limit to 2 and see how they progress.

I am going to run 6 Autos on my next run, 2 in my AG and 4 in my custom make DWC setup. Looking forward to it!

good luck!


I agree with krozone on this.... 2 plants seem to be the's a gallon res...but the roots can get pretty extensive and use up a lot of room.


Active Member
Has anyone had success in growing more than 3 plants at a time? I've got a Deluxe, so I guess I could go to 7 theoretically, but that the roots would get choked up before I get to that point. I'll usually be growing feminised autoflowering varieties.
Hey Dude, I'm going to try 5 until I detimine sex then I'll remove males and Trim some roots. There are post's that indicate this can be done.
My seeds were not feminised.




I am growing 3 plants per A/G But seems to be to much!!!! i will only plant 2 next run thats for sure!!


Well-Known Member
I agree that 2 is probably the max. I have grown 3 in my Pro 100 but the roots take over the entire reservoir. I'm currently growing only 1 AK-48 and it's doing very well. I would say 2 is the maximum you should grow in the Aerogarden.


Well-Known Member
DSC_AK-48.jpg Here is an example of what I mean. I have an Aerogarden Pro-100 and a Spacesaver 6. I'm currently growing 1 AK-48 in my Spacesaver 6. It's one plant, 5 weeks old and the roots of 1 plant consume the entire reservoir. My next grow is in the Pro-100 and I'll be growing 1 White Widow and 1 AK-48.


Well-Known Member
On one hand; it sucks (Pulled 2 males from my AG grow this weekend), now have 1 female BlueMystic in the AG and 1 Female BlueMystic in Soil.

I wish I could go into the AG and just cut out all the roots from the other plants; however they are soooooo tangled... Not happening..


Active Member
On one hand; it sucks (Pulled 2 males from my AG grow this weekend), now have 1 female BlueMystic in the AG and 1 Female BlueMystic in Soil.

I wish I could go into the AG and just cut out all the roots from the other plants; however they are soooooo tangled... Not happening..

Dude , have you read any of Roseman's tutorial ?

Check out page 46....

I've cut my roots TWICE with NO PROBLEMS !!! Sure makes keeping the res full a lot easier...
