Number of Stars in the Universe

Please don't tell me there's a movie called 'Intelligent Design'. :lol:

Intelligent design is a form of creationism promulgated by the Discovery Institute and defined by its advocates as the proposition that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, that is, an intelligent beings intervention, not an undirected process such as natural selection."
I don't believe in intelligent design or god or any of that. But I do believe in a higher power, whether it is mystical or alien I feell there is something out there watching us.
A classic trope of science fiction ... but essentially magic. I doubt a working jump drive can be found, but I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised. cn

I'm beginning to think it's possible if we can show compressibility as a property of Space. I don't know if we have actually observed gravity waves.

Maybe? Compressible or at least able pass gravitational energy thru empty space.
well it would be as simple as bending the 3 dimensions of space and warping them until it becomes flat and then there are only two dimensions and then those two points on a plane then warped down to only one...

simple... you can call it the origami warp drive... LOL jk ;)
lol Never a fan of Dr. Who despite the immense popularity. Guess the stage quality just never impressed me. :)

Yes, it's campy but to me that was part of its charm. I am the first to admit I don't have any real artistic taste so I am sure this is simply another example of that.
Where the fuck did I just eye travel on my screen...

Right in the middle there somewhere I got a little lost and I had to stop and seriously think "what thread did I just wander in to? I don't want to be here"

So goodbye...

And cn. you forgot the beryllium sphere... Galaxy Quest is perhaps the only movie with Tim Allen in it that is actually worth watching...