Nut def or burn?


Well-Known Member
My heart would break if I pulled it out again. I have a DINAFEM Cheese Auto and Dutch Passion's Think Different seed. I should start germinating now then? I heard Cheese Auto finishes in about 80 days?

EDIT: Regarding the 2 Newts thread, I can't find it.
During budding don't give your plant newts every feeding.
Give them nutrients twice and then water and repeat until your flush.
Alot of people seem to feed every watering this is a big mistake and
is what in my opinion leeds to root lock.
Do this all the way though budding.
You wont need a 2 week flush just 1 week and the your ashes will still be white.
Also you get to save on newts.
So many people get greedy and think the more I feed it the bigger it will get.
Try this and you will get massive colas even bigger than if you gave them newts everytime.

Also when you transplant do it into a nice wet medium with a dry plant.
This really forces the roots to push.
And try some DNA strains if you get a chance I swear by them.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
N tox from the chicken manure. Chicken poo is very hot shit! Not for container growing IMO. Great for outdoor growing...if you can apply it in the fall or very early spring so it has 3 months or more to compost in.