Nute and Topping questions


Active Member
Hi All,
Plants seem to be doing well other than the fact that they are short. 5 weeks from germ and 7 and a half inches tall...but bushy as hell. Stems are getting very very thick. First question: They are looking great in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest. Should I start with some nutrients or just let them go longer before adding anything other than distilled water? Also, I really want to top them but they are so bushy I can't seem to find a good place to snip, and they look so good I don't want to screw things up. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
If they're doing fine, I probably wouldn't add anything, but you can start off slowly, see how they react. Give them quarter or half dose nutrients, wait a few days and see how they do. As far as topping, looks like you've got multiple choices on where to do it. Maybe just top one and see what happens, should be fine though. Never heard of anything bad coming from topping a plant.


Active Member
Sweet..I actually topped them both before I read...just needed to be done. Lookin for the 12 cola...And I will go for the slow intro to nutes...I have only grown a few pretty sad but make me happy plants in the past, but have never seen ladies this fat and bushy before...I have definitely seen my fair share of fat chicks, but not fat ladies....I am totally with ya on the don't add if it is all going well. I'll start the tops are off and I will add nutrients slowly after a bit...this forum shit works....


Active Member
that the positive of a forum everyone can give their input and you just have to wait for the responses to see whats best thanks for not just being the guy who posts something and a half hour later starts bitching about how RIU sucks since we all have lives and arent just sitting here waiting for peoples questions so we can answer right away