I wouldnt be running 2000 ppms this close to harvest. the yellowing and the purpling in the second pic is nitrogen deficiency, which is exactly what you want during the last weeks prior to harvest. that middle pic-she looks to be about 2-3 weeks out and I would want my leaves looking like this. I would lower those ppms right away, as if you were running 800 normally than you have doubled the nute load and probably tripled the EC which means lockout is next and therefore negating the higher ppms. no offense, but why on earth would you more than double the nute load without first trying to increase it slowly first?
u should look into the ferts u r using, and why the nitrogen is either poorly absorbed -organic-or not quickly available. Instead of upping those ppms, which I am assuming are bloom nutes, you could have just given some veg nutes that has higher N in it. Also, did you start cutting your n out early here?
otherwise, they look good for growing in 90 degrees, and they are not displaying any other symptons which are very common mid to late flowering like k and mg.