Nute burn or another issue at hand?

About a month ago. I will check it again today. It was brand new a month ago and i calibrated out of the box before first use. Havnt had any issues that i know of with it.
I suspect it is off, a month is a long time and hopefully you kept the probe in a solution when not being used.
If it is accurate then we can rule it out. It takes two calibration solutions to get a good reading but one will help if you have one.
Hydroponic PH drops are a good back up to have for comparison.
I agree with legitroller follow the directions on the bottles, couldnt be simpler. Dont feed bloom when they aren't in bloom. It seems to me you underfed them Nitrogen from the start cause you were mixing half strength nutes, at the same time overdosed them with potassium & phosphorus feeding them bloom nutes when not in bloom cycle. & everything you've done from then has just been compounding problems. For now I suggest you keep it simple & forget about everything everyone else but legitroller has told you & follow the directions. In two weeks you'll see the difference
So feed them the first two weeks or let the soil feed them those weeks?

Also multiple people at the grow shop and a former grower friend of mine told me to make sure to use cal mag because of the water where im at is very low in those things. Havnt had anyone tell me not to use it yet!

So always mix the seaweed first? Been feeling my humidity is on the lower side but also fighting a small powder mildew problem so trying not to raise it too much but i will look into that. Ive got a ton of airflow but saw some signs of PM on a stem last night. wiped off and sprayed down with armor si.
Note this every genetics is different no plant is alike. But what is, is the combination on nutrient that you use or product. Test your water source or buy a RO system there are plenty out there and not all are gigantily expensive. I would mix my seaweed first but are you using any beneficial microbes if so they will not thrive that great in chlorinated water microbes need fresh water. Humidity is important for your palnts poor humidity can cause White Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease that will shows up high humidity environments. This can be tricky since young cannabis plants flourish in humid environments. Luckily, you can stave off WPM by making sure there is proper airflow in your grow area; a small oscillating fan – even on the low setting – works wonders. Humidity is a factor that partly determines how much your plants will drink. If the air is dry, your plants will tend to drink more at their roots. If they’re already drinking more due to high temperatures, low humidity can cause them to drink a lot of water through their roots and uptake too-high levels of nutrients. If your plant takes in more nutrients than the plant can use, the leaves will begin to show yellow or burnt tips, which is the result of nutrient burn. Sometimes too-low humidity can cause other apparent nutrient problems. with that said humidity is important. These are two of my 7 plants and there feed liquid seaweed, Urb, And water that's it. My temps are 74F to 76F humidity stays 50% and below and doesn't go below 45%. Like i said in previous ocean forest has everything you need but you have to keep those microbes in the soil happy if not you end up fighting a losing battle.


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Im supposed to keep the thing in solution when its off? Definitely didnt do that haha. It comes with a little cap and ive always had it closed when turned off and put away. THIS is essentially the same one i have .

Ill test as soon as i get home and let you know.
It's a common mistake.
Thanks for responding honestly, makes it easier to help.
This is used to protect the accuracy and life of the probe.
Good Luck!

ph solution.png
I agree with legitroller follow the directions on the bottles, couldnt be simpler. Dont feed bloom when they aren't in bloom. It seems to me you underfed them Nitrogen from the start cause you were mixing half strength nutes, at the same time overdosed them with potassium & phosphorus feeding them bloom nutes when not in bloom cycle. & everything you've done from then has just been compounding problems. For now I suggest you keep it simple & forget about everything everyone else but legitroller has told you & follow the directions. In two weeks you'll see the difference

This is what i dont understand, youre telling me to follow the directions then saying dont use bloom when in veg. The feeding schedule literally says to use Big Boom from seedling stage and on. So should i follow those directions or no?

This is fox farms soil feeding schedule. It states to use big bloom from the beginning. I have NOT used any tiger bloom and wont be until flower. Grow big it states to start a few weeks in.
@legitroller when you say test my water source do you mean with a PPM pen or something similar? From everything I could find online with water testing in my area the PPM seems fairly low but I will definitely get a pen if thats what you would suggest.

I always let my water sit for 24-48 hours so that should clear up the chlorination youre speaking of right? Also my humidity has been in the 30% range so too high is not my problem, although i did still have a PM problem. If I see it pop back up im going to pitch that plant. Dont need that mixed with the rest. I also have a box fan blowing at all times into the closet. A desk fan blowing air out, and another desk fan blowing on the plants. Seems to be that should be plenty of air flow.

I did give mykos/azos when transplanting for some microbe action. Is this enough to keep giving seaweed to feed or should i be adding some other sort of microbes to feed the soil?

Thanks for all the replies
@Kushash Absolutely man and thanks for the advice. This is all a learning experience so im trying to be as open as possible to learning it frustrating as it can get haha. Feel like there is so much back and forth on what my problem could be. Guess its not always as easy as 1,2,3.

Do you then just fill a little cup with that and have the pen in the solution at all times when not using? Just the bottom part of the pen i assume. Thanks again.

@notoriouscheech Seedlings Don't need any food for the first two weeks after sprout when using fox farm ocean forest. I uploaded an old school photo of FF feeding schedule [Basic's]. When your in veg you only repeat week 4 Don't go past that until your ready to flower simple. Once your ready to flower continue to week 5. Yes check your PPM's if your letting your water sit that's fine if you bubble it that will work faster. Your thinking to hard into this and your gonna get a lot of mixed info on this site cause everyone does things different no pun to RIU (Love You Guess, Member's) there are some well known people on here that know there stuff. But you have to choses who's giving you the best advice and follow it and check your results honestly to close it up. Honestly i'd tell you straight up throw them out and start over :lol: but if you don't have the means to then continue.Your plant's are fine and can come back that's just something i'd do.

Only do 3TSP of big bloom never 6TSP six is a little too strong.
@Kushash Absolutely man and thanks for the advice. This is all a learning experience so im trying to be as open as possible to learning it frustrating as it can get haha. Feel like there is so much back and forth on what my problem could be. Guess its not always as easy as 1,2,3.

Do you then just fill a little cup with that and have the pen in the solution at all times when not using? Just the bottom part of the pen i assume. Thanks again.
Yes. Fill the cap close it and set it upright in a glass.
Have you had a chance to check it for accuracy with the test solution?
If the ph reading is off how much was it off before adjusting the ph pen?
@notoriouscheech Seedlings Don't need any food for the first two weeks after sprout when using fox farm ocean forest. I uploaded an old school photo of FF feeding schedule [Basic's]. When your in veg you only repeat week 4 Don't go past that until your ready to flower simple. Once your ready to flower continue to week 5. Yes check your PPM's if your letting your water sit that's fine if you bubble it that will work faster. Your thinking to hard into this and your gonna get a lot of mixed info on this site cause everyone does things different no pun to RIU (Love You Guess, Member's) there are some well known people on here that know there stuff. But you have to choses who's giving you the best advice and follow it and check your results honestly to close it up. Honestly i'd tell you straight up throw them out and start over :lol: but if you don't have the means to then continue.Your plant's are fine and can come back that's just something i'd do.

Only do 3TSP of big bloom never 6TSP six is a little too strong.

Throw them out and start over?! They dont look THAT bad damn lol depressing to hear that. I probably will be throwing out the one with the PM problems because im tired of dealing with it and want to make sure things are as clean as possible. I didnt feed until about week three and have always done 1/4-1/2 strength so far. Would you suggest then to follow the schedule maybe starting at week 4 and go from there? Would you suggest using big bloom in veg? Along with Grow big? I will look into a PPM pen today. Thanks for the replies man I really do appreciate it.. I think you are right i am giving myself headaches with this and it shouldnt be that way.
Yes. Fill the cap close it and set it upright in a glass.
Have you had a chance to check it for accuracy with the test solution?
If the ph reading is off how much was it off before adjusting the ph pen?
I havnt had a chance yet but will be doing that later today. Dog/house sitting currently but will be making my way back at some point to check on the ladies and I will check to see the accuracy. Thanks again for all the help. I will let you know as soon as i do that.
Sorry I didnt know that & would not have thought It would be that way. But yeah I guess follow the directions. Did you know they sell it (Fox Farms products) via the 'Wish' app?! Is it Chinese?
Okay just wanted to make sure im not reading/doing these wrongs. Seems like the Big Bloom is supplemental to the rest. I should be using grow big more i believe. Havnt used it much. Lol im sure people sell everything on that app. The company is out of Humbolt California.