Well-Known Member
Hi, normally i do a good job and am pretty careful but this time i got lazy and lost track of my feeding scheduled .And i inadvertently over fed my plants. Actually most are OK but there are 3 that i could use some suggestions/ remedy's .The symptoms are yellowing and curling of the fans ,browning and curling of the pistols,and serious underproduction.One is late in flower so i will suffer the small yield.But 2 are only half way through and i can (with your help) turn um around.I run a mostly organic set up 3 gal grow bags pro grade potting soil for the medium and i feed them a tea derived from a.n. 100% organic iguana juice,Humboldt's big up powder,And unsulphered molasses.mixed with my tap water at about 850-950 ppm it ph,s between 6.5-7 depending on the amounts.Normally i could provide pics but not this time.Do you think just laying off the nutes for 2 weeks and flushing will do it? Again .The symptoms are yellowing and curling of the fans ,browning and curling of the pistols,and serious underproduction.Thank you for helping