Nute burnig. Scared to feed my plants.


Well-Known Member
I have 5 plants 4 outdoor and one indoor under a skylight(where all my plants started).
Of the 4 plants 2 were in 3.4 gallon pots with ffof and perlite. The other 2 were in 1 gallon one with ffof the other with miracle grow.
I fucked up my first feeding about 2 weeks ago when my plants were about 6-7 weeks old. I was planning to give them 1/4 of the recommended dosages of grow big and big bloom. Grow Big called for 2-3 TBS / gallon and Big Bloom was 6 TBS/gallon. So i went with 0.75 TABLESPOONS of grow big and 1.5 TABLESPOONS of big bloom.
I realized i fucked by using tablespoon instead of teaspoons. but it was too late. I used 2.25teaspoons /gallon of grow big and 4.5 teaspoons of big bloom.
The two plants in the 3.4 gallon pots loved it and now are booming. The two in the 1 gallon pots got eaten up. All the new shoots got burned and stopped growing =(. It took 10 days and they are finally starting new shoots. Although not many.
Now the plant indoors I let sit for another week after watering my outdoor plants. I decided to try my luck at feeding again. This time i was sure to use teaspoons. I used 0.5 teaspoons of grow big and 1 teaspoon of big bloom per gallon and watered my baby. The next day all the tops started curling and i knew what had happened...... WTF. that plant was about 7-8 weeks old and a quarter strength burnt my shit. Now I have to wait around 10 days till I see new shoots. And i will have a lot less tops now.........

Now back to the 2 healthy plants. 2 weeks ago i gave them 2.25 teaspoons/gallon of grow big and 4.5 teaspoons/gallon of big bloom and they seem to be doing great. I just transplanted them into 10+ gallon pots and watered the shit out of them with ph water some where in the mid 6s. When the soil dries up I want to feed again but I'm scared of burning my 2 good plants.

How should i feed the 2 healthy plants? Should i give them the same mixture as i did before? I dont want to ruin them. I tried posting pics of before and after but i dont know how. I did it before but cant now.
Please help.



Well-Known Member
the nutes more than likely did okay on the healthier ones because they were farther along. I would stop all nutes on the troubled ones for at least a couple of weeks. Let them recover completely, only water them for that time.

If it were me, I'd pinch off the damaged growth and leave well enough alone for a while. If you leave it, it's going to die off anyways with that damage. Once they get better off, give them 2 tsp of big bloom per gallon of ph'd water. It doesn't have a reputation for burning, it's actually quite mild, plus it will help them recover fully.

Keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
Im just watering the ones that got sick. I want to know if what kinda feeding I should be giving my healthy ones.


Active Member
^ Yep! For the next couple feedings I would just use PH-right water. Then gradually re-introduce the nutes (maybe 1/4 strength). Good luck with them!!


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind your using ffof, a hot soil. If you transplanted to bigger pots and put fresh soil (ffof) in there then its gonna kick the ppm up a notch anyways.

If your two healthy plants did fine the last time, I would try giving them the same strength, unless there is a bunch more new ffof (especially if the newer stuff is on the bottom where the roots go). Then you might even want to try something a little less potent. Definitely let the smaller ones get their vigor back