Nute Defeciency?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Maybe it is paranoia getting the best of me, but I just feel like I have a defeciency somewhere or possibly a lockout. My plants just seem to be a lighter shade of green, when I would really like to see that dark green color to them. They have had the color pretty much their whole life, well except when I got them they were a darker green and then as they rooted they took on the lighter shade. Currently I have been vegging for a month from clone and they are right around 2 feet tall, I would say that is pretty good growth, but I am a little concerned about their color.

I am growing in a coco/perlite mix using AN nutrients. The AN nutes I have are Micro(5-0-1), Grow(2-1-6), Bloom(0-5-4), and a Cal/Mg Supplement(2-0-0). My water is pHed around 5.8-6.0, right before I add nutes and I always check after adding nutes to be safe and it remains constant. My PPM I would say is a little hot at right around 1450-1500, but they were gradually adapted to that and they aren't really showing any burn, so I have stayed with it. I water with this mix once a week, which is usually when the pots start to feel light.

So, maybe I am just paranoid, but I am hoping maybe someone can see something I don't see. I have attached some pics, so you can see the plants.

I am open to suggestions, so let me know what you think.



I was having a problem with my Trainwreck when it was too cold. The first sign of a problem was that it was turning a light shade of green. As long as you're above 65-deg, that should be fine. You should probably check pH, and if you think it might be nutes, you could add a little more and see if it helps. Otherwise, I'd say you're just paranoid.