Nute Deficiency/ plant problem(blue leaves/dying)


After thinking i was going to lose this plant, she made a valiant return. I have been running 24 hour fluorescent lights(CFL's). I have 2 2700K and 2 6500 as I read this would be a nice mix of the different wavelengths needed for vegging and flowering.The plants lower leaves are begging to yellow and brown and fall off. The top leaves are turning blue from the inside(veins) outwards. On some of the top leaves the very tips are yellowing. Any ideas on what kind of nute problem I have. I am using a 75/25 soil to vermiculite mix, and have been watering sparingly with miracle grow when the soil is dry. I need to test pH? any ideas where i could find a good test kit. When to a hardware/yard store and only had one time use ones.

Oh yea here are the photos, and thanks to any help you can give me,

smoke on..
Photo 8.jpgPhoto 18.jpgPhoto 5.jpgPhoto 19.jpg

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
its the miracle grow, dude...its too hot. and yes test your Ph. soil between 6.5-7.0. i shoot for 6.6 on time.


I would leach the plants with properly PH'd water of 6.8-7. Use 3x the amount of volume your container is. So 5gal pot = 15 gal of water.

Wait a few days til the medium dries out, then feed @ half strength.


I experienced the same problems, with my 1st grow, i was over feeding with a nutrient similair to miracle grow and my fan leaves burnt to shit. I dnt really test the soil at the mo, but i leave the water to sit out for two days prior to watering. And my leaves are all always green and healthy and im only on second grow now.