Nute disposal


Active Member
if it's water flush it down the drain. bottles can go in a dumpster somewhere away from your grow


Well-Known Member
Well, Nutrients/fertilizers seep into our water supply if not disposed of properly, and I want to do it properly. I don't want to make life worse for future generations, that is why I smoke pot... lol

I am referring to disposal of the nutrient solution.


Well-Known Member
hmm never thought about putting it on the lawn... seems like the best bet because at least the grass will be able to use some nutes, as well as being well filtered through the earth before it ends up getting back into the watter supply or something like that.. a drain/rain gutter gives it direct access


Well-Known Member
I use old nutes on outdoor plants like rose bush or other great for me....whats the difference if you give your outdoor legal plants old nutes or new nutes.....its all still going in the soil.....


Well-Known Member
You need to take it to the local hazardous waste disposal sight, of course its going to cost you money to dispose of, and you have to let them know what it is also. Tell them its fertilizer from hydroponically grown Tomatoes or something, not Pot of course.

I put my used ferts on my veggie garden in summer and down the drain in winter. I am going to try the grass this comeing spring and see if that makes much difference.


Well-Known Member

Sounds like a huge hassle. maybe the grass could use some ferts...

Anyone know what PPM a lawn needs??? lol