nute help


Active Member
well i recently started feeding my plants FF grow big for the past 2 weeks at 1/4 strength and there doing pretty good i think. but what i didn't realize until a couple days ago i bought the grow big 3-2-6 for hydro and not the the organic for soil will my plants be fine if i continue to use this or should i go buy the organic grow big? and is there any other nutes you guy would recommend there about 5 weeks old and planted in FF ocean forest soil. any help would be appreciated.
Are you measuring nutrient strength by the directions on the bottle or do you have a seperate chart?And I didnt know Fox Farm had two types of Grow Big Nutrient bottles. (1 for soil and 1 for hydro??)
Does your bottle look like this?



Well-Known Member
well i recently started feeding my plants FF grow big for the past 2 weeks at 1/4 strength and there doing pretty good i think. but what i didn't realize until a couple days ago i bought the grow big 3-2-6 for hydro and not the the organic for soil will my plants be fine if i continue to use this or should i go buy the organic grow big? and is there any other nutes you guy would recommend there about 5 weeks old and planted in FF ocean forest soil. any help would be appreciated.
I think the soil FF grow big is 6-4-4. I wouldn't use hydro nutes in a soil grow. But hey, that's just me.


Well-Known Member
hydro nutes work perfectly fine in soil grows , hydro tends to have more mls per litre then for soil as soil has nutes in it allready , for example if it says 6-8 mls for hydro go 4-6 for soil depending on how mature your plant is.


Active Member
no its the grow big it says for hydro i wasn't paying attention when i bought it it is 3-2-6 should i continue to use it?
they seem to be doing fine besides some of the lower leaves are yellowing is that from lack of nitrogen?
and are they wilting from over watering?

ill post some pics in a little and is LST ito complicated for a first time grower?


Well-Known Member
yellow leaves at the bottom can be a number a things from nitro def to not enuff light on them and nute burn, plants will wilter and look sad if u either are water them 2 often or when there bone dry. remember only to feed every 2nd watering.
no its the grow big it says for hydro i wasn't paying attention when i bought it it is 3-2-6 should i continue to use it?
they seem to be doing fine besides some of the lower leaves are yellowing is that from lack of nitrogen?
and are they wilting from over watering?

ill post some pics in a little and is LST ito complicated for a first time grower?
Do you have a picture? I googled fox farm grow big hydro and the picture was the same as I posted. Also, and this is very important. Are you testing the ph of your nutrient solution? Fox farm grow big will always lower the ph of your water. And at those low ph levels your plants will not be able to absorb any nutrients.


Active Member
here are some pics. i adjust the ph after i add the nutes to the water i usually try to keep the ph around 6 maybe a little higher.



Active Member
here's some pics from tonight there doing better but the lower leaves still don't look to great.



Active Member
id say the 1 on the left is a goner!! looks like nute burn to me!!give them just water for a few days bro but thats just my reckion u had better get some other peoples adcvice too


Active Member
plus it looks like the leaves are drooping from being over watered, think your looking after them to much haha u need to leave them alone :)
sounds like your ph is good. It could be too much nutrients. I see you are using Fox Farm soil too. Its really good stuff Im surprised your plants arent responding better to it. Id back off the nutrients until they get bigger.. Just plain water for now.


Active Member
here's some new about to transplant them to 3 gallon buckets any advice? should i keep using ocean forest or should i mix in some other fox farm soil with it or any other tipds when i put in the new soil. i topped them a couple days ago so the growth stunted for awhile and whats your guys opinion on pruning them? one of the ones i topped now has 4 main stalks all the other ones have to. and would it be a bad ideal to switch to advanced nutes or keep using fox farm? any advice would be greatly appriciated.



Active Member
and im using a 400wmh bulb does it look like i need to raise it to let the plants stretch or should i keep it low and bushy? anothing thing i was wondering about was a fan but i don't want my temps to get to low since its starting to get cold here in michigan.


Active Member
i upped the dosage of nutes since last watering and there taking it very well here's some pics from today,and do you guys think the 400w MH is enough light or should i buy some flouros or get and 400w?

any info and tips would be helpful thanks,and they have been in the veg sate for about 5 weeks any other nutes i should start giving them?



Well-Known Member
go to walmart and get u some em blankets and close off the space around ure plants it will brighten the gro space from the reflection and put a oscillating fan on them :leaf:


Active Member
what type of blankets? and what will the fans do? also do you think it is time to transplant them to bigger pots,and if i do should i continue to us FF ocean forest soil or mix in some other stuff to? and should i start feeding other nutes besides grow big?


Active Member
a little update? you guys think i should transplant out of these small pots before its too late?



Active Member
ive been using FF grow big for nutes,is there any other nutes i should use or switch to?

also can anyone tell me if they think i should transplant to bigger pots for there size this is my first grow and i dont want them to get root bound.