Nute help!!!!


Looking to buy some nutes this week and i have no idea what to get what do yall recommend i buy... Give me a link or something thanks:-?


Well-Known Member
I'm fond of the DynaGro line, they're inexpensive, concentrated, and contain micronutrients already in the mix...Not to mention they can be found at almost any retail hydro store or internet grow shop.


Well-Known Member
I still like the basic General Hydroponics Flora 3 part nute line, along with Liquid Kool Bloom and Floralicious Plus in flower. I like being able to dial in different nute solutions for each stage of growth. Good luck...


Thanks im just looking for inexpensive nutes but something that will get the job youtubing nutes up now i still have alooootttt to learn smh


Active Member
I went for a general flowering nutrient and tomato nutrients. Just straight off the shelf at my local garden centre. The tomato feed worked great during the veg stage, I hear a lot of people go for it too.

However the other nutrient worked well on 2 of my plants but then it made one of them ill. So for flowering stage I'm still stuck so I plant to just buy one from a proper grow shop for next time round :)


Well-Known Member
well theres things to remember, i wont get into brands, cuz theres different stuff available depending location, and what store your in

NPK is key. those are the big 3. veggie you need more N, but still a lil P phosphorus and lil potassiom (k)

micro nutrients are great too, from start to finish,
calcium, molybdenum, sulfur, manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc....... the list goes on.

*one thing i found out, if you go into a petstore/aquarium, they have fertilizers that "promote growth in plants, but not to algae". the way they do this is they have 0 NPK, and are just a bunch of micro nutes. they also have a pretty neutral ph 6-7.5 or so, and they can be added and used from start to finish. cheap as dirt too.

Personally, i like using a mix of products,
for veggie, i use 2 different kinds of N heavy ferts, and the micro nutes bottle, and every 2 weeks give it a lil bloom nutes
for flowering i do more, like 5 different kinds of bloom nutes, the micro nutes bottle, every 2 weeks a lil growth nutes, and add sweeteners, etc...

make a soup with water, and add it in, check the pH before ya add it tho. some nutrients have a fucked up pH. also remember to go weak. 1/4 strength anytime ya add a new one,t hen maybe 1/2, then 3/4ths, then full, once ya know theres no crazy shit in it


Well-Known Member
a good starting soil nute is the biobizz range you only need the grow and the bloom, if its hydro u could try the Ionics range. these are cheap and have everything you need. after you gave a grow or two under your belt you can try tweaking it a little with other stuff. be careful of throwing cash at expensive 'snake oils' though.


Well-Known Member
that depends on what your growing them in. if its sumthing like Miracle Gro soil then it has nute already mixed in and u can easily burn or kill a plant by overfeeding. If its in a nute free soil then i'd start feeding now at quarter strength. usually you start feeding when the plants around 2 to 3 weeks old, at taht point without nutes the plant growth rate tends to slow down and the leaf colour may lighten as the plant wants food.


Well-Known Member
that stuff has built in nutes similar to Miracle Gro so id be careful about feeding too early, the soil has enuff in it already without u add ing extra, when u water it release the nutes and feed ur plant. just watch the plants closely and if the colur starts lightening to a pale green then give them a quarter strength feed. under feeding is an easier problem to worry about than over feeding; that'll just burn the fuck out of the plants or even worse kill them.


on my sweet island skunk plant ive noticed a few yellow marks on it,they just appeared.

my kush plant is doing awesome no signs of any problems what so ever