Nute lock out? How do you know?

More? Ok will that help with keeping ph stable too?
yes.. as you raise the EC the PH drift will be slower

if you raise the EC to much the ph wont drift

if the EC in your reservoir climbs over time reduce EC
if the EC in your reservoir drops over time increase the EC (maybe) if you show signs of def.
id give them the veg formula I suggested at full strength

the veg formula I suggested is still on the low end youll be fine
heres how i would arrange your bloom nutes

youll need to add in the swell

per gallon (4liters)
part A 5mls
part B 5mls
Epsom salt 0.25 grams per gallon
b1 boost 2mls per gallon
silica 2mls per gallon
enzyme 2mls per gallon
dr repair 1.5 mls per gallon
swell 5mls per gallon

I still haven't touched the bloom line, it includes
id give them the veg formula I suggested at full strength

the veg formula I suggested is still on the low end youll be fine
Ok sounds good, I'll try that, hey thanks again, I really appreciate all the info and help