Nute lockout in super soil?? SoCal water??

noT My nAmE

First, thanks to all the OG's on here that keep this thing rolling. This site has seriously stepped my game up.

So this is my second SS run. I'm in week 5 and starting to see the same doom that got me on my last run. These plants love this mix, I cant keep up with them, right up until week 5.
My hydro days tell me it looks like a PH problem, necrosis starting at the bottom and working its way up. I thought this issue was due to a lack of soil, which is why I went from 15gal to 30gal pots.(a shitload of soil)
I have been using tap water with a PH of 8. I know this isn't supposed to matter, but I can't help it, i have to know haha. I have been giving teas once a week, mainly kelp/fish, compost and molasses.

I read that cal-mag deficiencies are common, and although I'm sure there is plenty in my southern cal water supply, I top dressed the other day with a bit of azomite, and gave a heavy watering PH'ed to 6.5. Runoff was 6.8 which is a good sign, and today I noticed the most finicky of the four plants had perked back up, but the necrosis seems to continue. To me, since PH is ok, she's telling me she wants calmag, right? Can I put too much calcium/ magnesium in?

Has anyone else dealt with this week 5 shutoff?? What am I missing???


Well-Known Member
Have you rinsed them with lots of water to clear the build up in the soil. You have too much of something in the soil and it's loading up. That's causing the lockout. Super soil done wrong or adding extra of some stuff is bad. Try everything at half mixture.

noT My nAmE

I had 50% runoff with this last watering, so I'd say yes. My first SS batch I did nothing but water. same thing happened. I had a crowded root ball and assumed it was lack of soil. I followed the recipe to the "T". I cant express how amazing they look for the first month. If I didn't know better I would think PH.
I'm running a fast paced system. Lots of light, higher temps, more water, more co2. Could I be under gunned in the nute department??
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noT My nAmE


Although the bubba looks better...

You can still see the faint yellow. It's the exact same thing I battled last time. I thought I ran out of food, so I up'ed the ante this round. Still the problem reoccurred. I know they are well fed this time. If I don't nip this in the butt they will F off before they're finished. I was bummed last time, they looked like shit by the the time I harvested. Lack of phosphorus? Need cal/mag?? maybe a spiritual cleansing from a voodoo doctor???


Well-Known Member
How about your not watering right. How about your under watering. How about soil mixes are not as good as they claim.
Adding water to the point of run off all the time washes away the decomposed part of the soil that's ready to be taken up. When soil mixing your at the mercy of decomp and our plants want it faster then that. The burning leaf tips on lower leafs are from under watering.
Your not using silica.


Well-Known Member
At week four these girls really push forward. They use way more water for the next few weeks. Way more then before. So if your not increasing how often you water your going to get this shortly after week four starts. And see it bad about week five......... Sound about right.?

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Foliage feed this will stop nutrient lock-out, stop other nutrients for 1 week and flush while foliage feeding for 1 one week

noT My nAmE

Thanks Canna. I may be being small minded here. I had a bit of a panic last night haha. K...
Added rice hulls for silica in bake, I spent months researching this before I pulled the trigger. Read every variation of the recipe and why. I'm confident in that part.
typical water is 20 gallons, with about 5 gallons of run off. I water every two days due to the size of the pot. Never have more than an inch of dry soil.
I have read that some runoff is good. Too much?? I do have 120 gal of soil to water.
Last watering was a "flush" meaning about 30gal, with 15 gal of runoff. Which they responded positively to.
I honestly thought too much water at first, but they love it. I can see them slow down when I wait a day too long.
Last week (week 4) I gave a tea with guano and alfalfa meal. To try and give boost.
I can try some added pro tekt.

And thanks Harris, I will read up on that.


Well-Known Member
Central Valley water nearly killed a batch of clones my first go out in Cali, but they were in rockwool and ebb/flow system. Plus the ones in FFOF soil had same issues you're having. Got an RO system and things got back on track.

The tap water may not be your problem, but it was for me. Cheers and good growing.


Well-Known Member
Try bottom watering.It works great.Your plants will only draw what they need.Watering will take a little longer.This method makes it easier like supersoil.


Well-Known Member
I had 50% runoff with this last watering, so I'd say yes. My first SS batch I did nothing but water. same thing happened. I had a crowded root ball and assumed it was lack of soil. I followed the recipe to the "T". I cant express how amazing they look for the first month. If I didn't know better I would think PH.
I'm running a fast paced system. Lots of light, higher temps, more water, more co2. Could I be under gunned in the nute department??
Did you properly let the soil sit and cook, to break down those amendments? I would flush each pot with dolomite lime watered in. Then give em come compost teas and no nutes till they look good. Also keep tabs on the runoff ph to see what changes. As for the water, it could be a cal/mag or mineral issue that accumulates over time. Regular flushing and using hygrozyme and humic acid helps prevent that. I wouldn't foliar with those buds.