Nute overload or deficiency? Need Help!

I think my plants are still about 4 weeks from harvest, but all the leaves are turning yellow, curling, and dying. I was giving them about 1 gallon of water every other day, every day during 95degrees or more outside (I am in NorCal) And I was giving them about 4-5ml of TPS Bloom each watering - and yesterday I reduced that to 2ml per gallon. My buds look ok - but I am scared the death is creeping up to them!



Well-Known Member
Have you been giving them only the Bloom? If so that's a bloom booster and you need to keep feeding base nutrients as there is nothing in that Bloom but P/K with just a trace of nitrogen. And if that's all you've been feeding then you can also lock out what's still in the soil by feeding nothing but P/K.
So should I add nitrogen? Yes bloom only. I inherited the plants so been learning on the fly. If it’s already got lots of p\K. What specific nutrients would you use ? I really appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
When I used liquid nutrients used fox farms, all you need is the trio. Sound advise given above I would just add once you get veg nutrients I would make a foliar feed as well and try to spray early am before sun hit them. Every other day for a week skipping water/ feed days. They need nitrogen badly but the drooping if you didn't water right before you took these photos I'd almost want to flush reset the soil and start over with veg nutrients.

Around 150 to 200ppm 7ph for foliar feed make sure you soak under the leaves


Well-Known Member
So should I add nitrogen? Yes bloom only. I inherited the plants so been learning on the fly. If it’s already got lots of p\K. What specific nutrients would you use ? I really appreciate your help
You should feed everything the plant needs. That means Nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, potassium, etc... You've been feeding them nothing but P/K. No micronutrients or anything else. It's a little late at this point but in the future skip the bloom boosters and just feed a balanced nutrient that contains all the macro and micronutrients. If you can get ahold of it fairly quickly a one part like Floranova Bloom or MaxiBloom would be the way I would go. Both are a one part nutrient. But you're not going to get those plants looking any better and the leaves are going to continue to die and fall off.
You should feed everything the plant needs. That means Nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, potassium, etc... You've been feeding them nothing but P/K. No micronutrients or anything else. It's a little late at this point but in the future skip the bloom boosters and just feed a balanced nutrient that contains all the macro and micronutrients. If you can get ahold of it fairly quickly a one part like Floranova Bloom or MaxiBloom would be the way I would go. Both are a one part nutrient. But you're not going to get those plants looking any better and the leaves are going to continue to die and fall off.
If I can get this today and start it - can I save my buds?? Floranova 4-8-7 or 7-4-10..?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Based on leaf curl and color
It looks locked out due to too much feed and not enough watering
Those pots if five gallon should be eating a gallon a day at this stage with summer heat...
I would actually flush that plant with about 5 gallons of water then dewater with a mild nutrient mix 1/4 dose and see if it perks up


Well-Known Member
If I can get this today and start it - can I save my buds?? Floranova 4-8-7 or 7-4-10..?
4-8-7 2 tsp/gal

It's not going to work miracles at this stage but will provide the plants what they need. Stop using the bloom booster also.
4-8-7 2 tsp/gal

It's not going to work miracles at this stage but will provide the plants what they need. Stop using the bloom booster also.
2 tsp/gallon is almost 10ml. Should I use that much, or should I use 1/4 that amount after I flush the plant as Herb & Suds suggests? Curious what you think...


Well-Known Member
2 tsp/gallon is almost 10ml. Should I use that much, or should I use 1/4 that amount after I flush the plant as Herb & Suds suggests? Curious what you think...
I was going by the label on the bottle for plants during later growth.
