Nute Recomendations?


Well-Known Member
What kind of problems do you run into?
Again, mixing up shit loads of nutes in tanks, and watering from them. Pain in my ass. But then again, mixing up teas are a pain too so....
Other than that, no prob with salt based nutes here.
My budy in hawaii grew the best tasting buds outdoor with osmocote. I've yet to try that here in norcal on monster plants though. I want to though
Again, mixing up shit loads of nutes in tanks, and watering from them. Pain in my ass. But then again, mixing up teas are a pain too so....
Other than that, no prob with salt based nutes here.
My budy in hawaii grew the best tasting buds outdoor with osmocote. I've yet to try that here in norcal on monster plants though. I want to though
How exactly did you go about mixing it? That sounds pretty tough


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and its about that time of year! Here in northern cali most growers take their clones out around 4/20. Only a few weeks away. Ive had some bag seed out since late feb that are lookin great.

My plan for this grow is simple. (I wish i would have done research before hand and gone organic, theres always next season tho) I'm planning on goin 70% happy frog with 30% perlite. 2 cubic feet is only $10 here so im not worried about the cost. However, I'm not sure what nutrient system I'm going to use. I was thinking about the fox farms trio but its pricey. I'm going to have about 10-13 plants (subracting males, if any) I plan go 1,3,5 and 10 gallon smart pots for flower.

So what are the best liquid nutes youve bought? I was planning on adding lime to deal with ph, but its starting to sound like a ph meter and ph up/down is a neccesity. For the ammount of plants how much should i buy if i want to use the nutes lightly (1/4 strength instead of half)
Keep in mind this is a full outdoor grow, any advice is appreciated :bigjoint:
Jack's Classic Duo. Not liquid. Easiest for soil. I use this in my vegetable garden and on my peach trees. It's stupid easy. If you're bent on liquid, DynaGro Foliage Pro and Protekt.


Well-Known Member
Jack's Classic Duo. Not liquid. Easiest for soil. I use this in my vegetable garden and on my peach trees. It's stupid easy. If you're bent on liquid, DynaGro Foliage Pro and Protekt.
How strong is that stuff? Gh's maxiseries is 1tsp=1.7ish EC. Works killer, and a dry one part grow/bloom.
How exactly did you go about mixing it? That sounds pretty tough
In big tanks, with a circulation pump, then pumped to the plants.


Well-Known Member
How strong is that stuff? Gh's maxiseries is 1tsp=1.7ish EC. Works killer, and a dry one part grow/bloom.

In big tanks, with a circulation pump, then pumped to the plants.
Jacks is 700ppm/Tbsp/gal. But their water soluble mix isn't suitable for hydro applications. They have a hydro specific line.

Dynagro is like 150ppm/1tsp. But FP is very potent. In aero I run .7ec in veg and 1.0 in flower. Anything higher is too strong in my experience.
Jacks is 700ppm/Tbsp/gal. But their water soluble mix isn't suitable for hydro applications. They have a hydro specific line.

Dynagro is like 150ppm/1tsp. But FP is very potent. In aero I run .7ec in veg and 1.0 in flower. Anything higher is too strong in my experience.
Im not doing hydro tho. I was just planning on getting the water soluable mix. It's for potted plants outdoors