Yes, municipal tap water will raise ph, they keep it above 7 to inhibit corrosion. I normally only need a few oz. per gallon max, my water is really hard at 1.3 EC and the alkalinity will raise ph. I don't worry about chlorine as I'm not adding any beneficial bacteria.
I use RO (or my furnace condensate) to to dilute my nute mix down to the desired EC, not to adjust ph. It has almost no effect on ph since it's such low EC, what I call a weak ph. It's why measuring the ph of distilled or RO is pointless, in a sense they have no ph, or very little. Distilled or RO is also bad for ph probes, with so few ions it tends to leach the ions out of the solution in the probe. ph probe bulbs are made of permeable glass to let the ions pass through.
I reduce the silica as I believe it strengthens/stiffens the plant, not so good for training. I really need to research... Thanks for the link
I'm running out of space because plants grow.

I waited to flip until I corrected the deficiency and my cabinet is only 65" tall..... but it might be 18" taller before the weekend is over!
ppm/500 = EC
EC x 500 = ppm