Nutes and ventilation help !!!


Active Member
Hi guys
I have been growing a plant for about 6 weeks now, my setup is a cardboard box 125w cfl enviro with one 9 inch moving fan.

Just a few quick questions

I am thinking of making a new box for growing after this 1 is done just wondering if i could use the 9 inch fan i have for exhausting air and maby a 6 inch desk fan for intake. I would cut a hole 9 inch in the top of the box and slot the fan in and do the sam with the 6 inch fan near the bottom just wundering if this would work ghetto venterlation.

also i have not been feeding my curant plant any nutes its in MG soil and about to go into flowering shall i use some blooming nutes or not i am based in the uk so could anyone help me choose so nutes,

thanks and happy smoking:bigjoint:


I would use some kind of nutes. Even if you use miracle grow would be better than nuttin I think. Most fert have three values like 10-30-10 in flowering you want that middle number to be high and the other two low. In veg you want the first one to be higher. But I would definitly say use somtin. Or order some nutes. theres tons of different companies and products. Im sure you can find reviews on here about them.


Active Member
I would use some kind of nutes. Even if you use miracle grow would be better than nuttin I think. Most fert have three values like 10-30-10 in flowering you want that middle number to be high and the other two low. In veg you want the first one to be higher. But I would definitly say use somtin. Or order some nutes. theres tons of different companies and products. Im sure you can find reviews on here about them.

thank mate i will deffenatly look in to getting some nutes.

can anyone advise on the ventilation ??


Active Member
I dont have a camara dude i am poor lolololol all i really want to know is if that will work with the fans.
that should work for ventilation..assuming the box isn't more than like 40 sq ft...definitely need to get some nutes will see dramatic results in the first week of using nutes.


Well-Known Member
I think that it all realy depends on the size of the grow room but exaust too much air out of the growroom and it will effectthe humidity............................................................tyke........................................................................................