Nutes Discoloring Roots


Well-Known Member
Hi Forum,

Newbie here. 1st Grow. DWC. Jungle Juice Nutes (micro) are dark red/brown. They have discolored the roots brownish red. Is this ok? How will I be able to tell later if root rot comes along. So far roots are boss other than the color. Had to cut the net pot to give the root more room. No slime either. Still wanna be sure. Thanks for any guidance on this 1st post.



Well-Known Member
they look healthy, after using general hydroponics 3 part my roots had turned red, from above growth they look healthy, if things look worse up top then itd be a problem.


Active Member
I would have to disagree with the previous poster. That looks to me like you have the start of root rot. I would take action ASAP to combat it before it gets out of hand and kills your plant. My reasoning for this is the fact that some of the new roots look white where the older ones have turned the dreaded brown. This is what they should look like:



my roots turned that color when i used fulvic or humic acid in my hydro, i dont remember which one it was but slanty is right you should be on the lookout for rot, but i HAVE had roots that look like that from the nutes before and they werent rotting, if you look closeley and inspect the roots you could prob tell if they are okay or not, if they are slimy when you touch them i think you have a serious problem, keep us updated, later


Well-Known Member
Thanks All -

Right now the rez is only about 1/5 filled so the entire root system is not emersed. Its 3 days into the latest water change. PH at 5.8 with nutes up to 1340 PPM. Water temps avg 64 degrees. Air 72 degrees. If any slime is detected will need your valued advice. I've read to add peroxide but am not sure if that means to just flush the roots with it or add it into the rez? Again this is 1st grow and discoloration occurred with use of jungle juice nutes. Hoping to keep this MK as a mother. Will inspect the roots next lights on and upload a new pic. Again thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hi Forum,

Today inspected the roots again. Still brown but not slimy. Very bottom part of roots that are emersed in water do look glossy but no slimy feel. At least not yet. Rinsed roots thoroughly as a precaution. Cleaned/Changed rez again, this time no superthrive. PPM up to 1320 in 5 gallon rez about 1/4 filled with water. Air temp 72, water temp 63. Ph 5.8. AN Jungle Juice (Micro, Grow,Bloom) 1tsp cal/mag.

If rot becomes an issue, I've read about Hiesman's tea but no clue where to get the ingredients??? are there other fixes to try first? thought I was getting lucky with boss root almost the diameter of a hotdog!!!

Appreciate your insights. Again newbie here on 1st grow.



Well-Known Member
I'd be very cautious! This is why I switched from DWC. I had basketball sized roots that were this color and thriving plants growing rapidly. Within a week, I started seeing droopy leaves and what looked like deficiencies. Another few days and my roots were rotting. I was running Heisman's tea at the time too. I hate to say it but I think you are in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Any ideas for next steps???? I really want to save her if its rot. My roots have been this color a few months now. started from seed Sept 30th


Well-Known Member
What's the recommended course of action? I'm open to ideas. lost at this point...
If I knew the answer, I might still be running DWC instead of coco, lol. I just know what root rot looks like, not how to fix it.

I think my problem may have been insufficient bubbling and high rez temps. Your rez temps are good. I tried tea, h202, bleach, rez chiller. There's a formula for how much air flow you need per plant. Can't remember it now. Maybe a DWC expert can help you out.


Well-Known Member
If I knew the answer, I might still be running DWC instead of coco, lol. I just know what root rot looks like, not how to fix it.

I think my problem may have been insufficient bubbling and high rez temps. Your rez temps are good. I tried tea, h202, bleach, rez chiller. There's a formula for how much air flow you need per plant. Can't remember it now. Maybe a DWC expert can help you out.
Thanks for your input! I appreciate all the responses.


Well-Known Member
Help!!! Leaves went way droopy today when I checked at lights on. No bad smell but leaves very limp and some fan leaves have fallen off. Is there a chance for my mother or is she toast? I need the best solution quick? :(((( She is sick sick sick....


Active Member
You should have been sourcing the ingredients for Heisenberg's Tea when I told you a while back. I can confirm it does work, but takes time to make and then add to your res.


Well-Known Member
I don't have local access to those ingrediants. Does anyone know how to do the h202 or bleach regimin? Should I try it or trash the plant? Beyond limp now....


Well-Known Member
H202 and bleach have never worked for me and I tried them both multiple times. Take some clones and start over. I know that sucks, but I wish I had taken that advice when I got root rot.


Well-Known Member
H202 and bleach have never worked for me and I tried them both multiple times. Take some clones and start over. I know that sucks, but I wish I had taken that advice when I got root rot.
Must of been sending me telepathic messages as I did manage to cut 8 clones that have perked up nicely. Took all foilage accept new growth from stem of mother and am waiting to see what happens after adding H202 3%.

Thanks for the advice all. Crossing fingers. keep posted.


Well-Known Member
Posting this more for the benefit of anyone else that might be reading this in the future -- learn how to take clones with a high success rate and you can recover from anything. Take clones even if you don't need them (assuming you have big enough plants to support it) and get good at it. Things like this will be a minor setback instead of a major problem if you have clones sitting in your veg closet.