nutes? food? heat? co2? HELP PLEASE PICS!


i know i keep making threads but this is realy stressing me out now. my plants are like pealing/scalin sorta thing and im not sure why, it goes to a lighter green.
here somes pics, im feedin on straight water atm, ph 6 every 1-3/4 days im watering now, theyre nearly 3 weeks old. also the tips curling is still doin my head in my heats not 75-77 ( the newer leafs dnt seem to be curling or curlin as much so maybe its going?)


also some have realy red stems. thank in advance - sorry if im becomin annoying :P

btw there in bat mix ( all mix )
I forget what the PH of what you should water soil at is again, but 6 PH seems a bit low.

I used to grow in bat mix but I'd start them off first in light mix for the first few weeks. Perhaps it's a combination of the PH being slightly off and the soil being slightly strong?

Anyway they seem to be not bad to me. You could be doing worse. Try not to stress out. In soil the main things are 1) PH 2) If you have good soil just feed water for the first few weeks, then slowly introduce nutrients 3) Pot them in the best type of soil for their current stage of growth


Well-Known Member
its time to feed them a light nute solution and please rad the directions. less is more when there this young so just a light solution with nitrogen in it..


its time to feed them a light nute solution and please rad the directions. less is more when there this young so just a light solution with nitrogen in it..
so if i was to go to the shop now wat wud i buy and how wud i apply it to the plants


Active Member
Shoot for a ph of 6.5 and don't water until the pot feels light. (6.0 locks out some needed nutes.)
Find a good all purpose fertilizer and start out with a 1/4 strength dose.


Well-Known Member
you have a calcium def due to pH being too low, pH 6 is 5x more acidic than pH6.5 the correct pH for soil. I would do the following repot to a no7 smart pot add some dolomite lime to the soil and feed them as required


Active Member
i know i keep making threads but this is realy stressing me out now. my plants are like pealing/scalin sorta thing and im not sure why, it goes to a lighter green.
here somes pics, im feedin on straight water atm, ph 6 every 1-3/4 days im watering now, theyre nearly 3 weeks old. also the tips curling is still doin my head in my heats not 75-77 ( the newer leafs dnt seem to be curling or curlin as much so maybe its going?)

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also some have realy red stems. thank in advance - sorry if im becomin annoying :P

btw there in bat mix ( all mix )
Ok buddy... you want to buy something to fix this?

Get a simple Ph test kit and some nutrients.

test the Ph of the plant runoff water
and test the Ph of your water with added nutrients...
and if you are giving them plain water...make sure you test the Ph of that too...adjust accordingly

your target is 6.5 for optimal nutrient absorption. (6.3 - 6.8 is the recommended range)

Without added nutrients...the plants are only going to suck up what's available in the soil...which usually only lasts a few weeks...
so your plants are HUNGRY!!!!
but remember...with feeding... monitor Ph!! and feed lightly! less is more! start at 1/4 strength and go up from there... feed 2x wk.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I wouldn't feed anything with N in it.
See how dark most of the leaves are already?
Besides that, your PH is low.
Pic 6 looks almost like something is eating it, and a couple of the other pics look like heat issues.
Fix your PH BEFORE trying to feed anything.
The couple yellow spots look like a Cal/Mag issue starting.
You said not feeding anything ATM, what did you feed before and how old are the plants?View attachment 2637614PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gif


how's it going bro? what action have you taken? plans are you making? etc?
Well to be fair it was only my old leafs that was scalin sorta thing so i kinda left it abit as the ends of the leafs wa startin to uncurl and the new leafs wasnt affected. Although today i bought a ph pen and i think ive bin givin the plants around 4ph at times witch is obv realy bad. My first pc acid test must of not worked. But i only waterd them two days ago so i was going to leave till friday-satday and water agian with the right ph, maybe even the start of a little feed canna coco a and b? As the leafs are startin to turn a lighter green, what u reakon mate?


Active Member
get that Ph up and you should see rapid growth....

watering with the right Ph made a HUGE difference in my grow...
and now that you have your temp down... you should be good to go my friend!
(you should keep working on exhaust too... put that second light to work brotha!)

keep us posted! I hope you fair well! That room is going to look GREAT with a big ol canopy in it!