nutes help, using miracle grow to vedge


Well-Known Member
im using the miracle grow for vegging, should i use the same mixture im using now to flower with?? cheers


Well-Known Member
No veg nutes are used in veg not flower
You need to use something that has a higher p and k value than n


Well-Known Member
Big bloom is not really as good as tiger bloom for flowering
But those two together work excellent, I would def suggest picking those up


Well-Known Member
do yourself a big favor.. go on youtube and search for "white trash nutrient challenge"... watch the results...


Active Member
I have been using Miracle grow nutes in veg, and learned that it's easy to over-do it. Never over half strength! I think mayhaps 1/4 is best. I found I good flowering mixture at Lowes for cheap, that's by schultz. It says for cactus, but its a 2-7-7. It seems to be working well for mine during flowering. Its almost harvest time, and they are just starting to show Nitrogen deficiency!:mrgreen:

Im going to use MG azaleas for veggin', rotate with the tomato fert. That cactus stuff for flowering, next go around with white widow. I tend to like common, easy to find, and cheap methods! Dont forget to add that tablespoon of Molasses per gallon, every few waterings:razz: Keep us posted and happy tokin'!



Well-Known Member
I have been using Miracle grow nutes in veg, and learned that it's easy to over-do it. Never over half strength! I think mayhaps 1/4 is best. I found I good flowering mixture at Lowes for cheap, that's by schultz. It says for cactus, but its a 2-7-7. It seems to be working well for mine during flowering. Its almost harvest time, and they are just starting to show Nitrogen deficiency!:mrgreen:

Im going to use MG azaleas for veggin', rotate with the tomato fert. That cactus stuff for flowering, next go around with white widow. I tend to like common, easy to find, and cheap methods! Dont forget to add that tablespoon of Molasses per gallon, every few waterings:razz: Keep us posted and happy tokin'!
YUCK :spew:
I'm sorry but I would never give MG to my plants, they give me so much in return why cheap out and give them cheapest nutes available?
You get what you give and I sure as hell don't want miracle gro quality buds


Well-Known Member
thanks mate. so as soon as i switch to 12/12 i change my food to that blue azale MG you posted??
that means il need to sort out my water ph again yea??
does the water ph need to change in flowering


New Member
YUCK :spew:
I'm sorry but I would never give MG to my plants, they give me so much in return why cheap out and give them cheapest nutes available?
You get what you give and I sure as hell don't want miracle gro quality buds
Mg is good for when you need it.


Well-Known Member
miracle grow sucks.. its not even worth growing unless you do it correctly.. the difference between crap fertalizer like mg and something good like fox farms is like 5 bucks... dont slack on nutrients.. its just as bad as slacking with light.. you wont get a quarter as much and it will be a quarter as good if not even less


Well-Known Member
lol did u watch the same video? lol
miracle grow got smoked.. the guy said he did it because people on forums rave about it... but clearly it didnt do good at all as it was the sickly looking plant.. then my nutes came in second.. fox farm..... then the advanced nutrient... advanced is always first and fox farm a close second... miracle grow is a disgrace of a fert


Well-Known Member
not trying to sound like a jerk but the 50 bucks for a 3 part fox farm nute set will at least double your yeild and health as compared to miracle grow


Well-Known Member
not trying to sound like a jerk but the 50 bucks for a 3 part fox farm nute set will at least double your yeild and health as compared to miracle grow
Where the hell did you spend 50 dollars on the three of them? I got my trio for less than 40 at the hydro store and the prices are usually a little higher in the store


Well-Known Member
they only sell crap at my local garden centre..
thats why im on the miracle grow..
but my plants are fat indicas tho..