I've been using the supernatural for about 6 months and rocking the world famous p-91 strain<--- (this strain loves hydro) so cals finest.
Very easy to use. You don't need all the other additives honestly.
Just the the grow, bloom, and the boost.
I literally just mix half the recommended dose and the plants just love it. Super green and praying to the light.
keep it simple.
Flush it a lot.
A little about me.
I've been in 3 gallon plastic bags of soil for about 3 years and pull about 2-3 zips per plant.
I know how to pH and all that other jazz.
I've used house and garden. I love all the house additives but not the base nutes.
Supernat= Set it and forget it.
If you start adding more additives it might mess with the pH and really there is no need.
I would just add some Roots excel or ZHO.
And you have amazing buds.
Make sure you flush really well and use a good organic base additive in the flower cycle.
Did I mention i never check pH?