Nutes or No Nutes?


I'm about 3 weeks into a few lowrider#2/ak47 and I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, I was wondering if I really needed to use nutes at all or if I could let them go all the way without. I think the soil is already got nutes in it. Theoretically they should only have another 5-6 weeks before harvest.


Well-Known Member
wait another couple weeks b4 using nutes then slowly introduce them lady's to nutes any sign of stress flush with plain water and starve her out


Well-Known Member
but to answer your ? if you dont want to use nutes you really dont have too fresh foxfarm soil has enough food to last bout 8 weeks or more depending on plant hight, heat and light used


Dude. dude dude. you guys are fuckn killn me. I promice from the very bottom of my little heart once you start using nutrients for about a week you will never stop. i reccomend the fox farms line ;) i have been using them for about 2 months now and i couldnt be happier. yes begin 1/2 strength though for about a week. I just cant tell you enough how happy you will be. Fox farms Tiger bloom, cha ching , beastie blooms and open seasame all tried and true fox farms exelent easy to use nutrients


this is serious buisness! Please dont go without
Lol alright man, definitely agree with you. Using fox farm soil right now and pretty stoked on it. Right now it's kind of a funds issue but if I get enough overtime on this next check we'll pick some up.