Nutes Question, FLora 3 part


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I've been growing organic soil for a while and have bought a rainforest 66 just for kicks and to add to the production a bit.

If you could share your experience and about how much per gallon and at what stage do you add with Flora 3 part, or do some of you use the Fox Farm products in hydro?
I find usually they tell you too hot a solution so I want to double check and see what combinations people are using.


Well-Known Member
Hi there... Even if you think Flora 3part sucks I would like to know about it so I don't end up using it. Recommendations with specifics on other combo's of nutes for aeroponic setup would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I started out using the Flora series with no other boosters, had great results. FoxFarm is great too, organic.


Well-Known Member
Thats helpful, thank you. I have the fox farm three part for soil which says hydroponic as well, so I may end up the flora and then trying the fox farm.
I"m more of a soil grower than hydro but have and still use GH Flora series in my hydro. I love the stuff and for veg stage it's great. I use the Nova for bloom and have had excellent results. With the 3part I have found that it's kinda necessary to "dail-in" the amount. I've always used GH nute calculator on their website but I start by only using half the amount they suggest with great results. I am lucky in that I won GH complete Organic line and can't wait to give it a try. They mailed all 8 bottles to me monday and I should be getting it shortly. Overall, for soil the 3 part works great as it has for hydro. I will say this, I have noticed a big difference when I use Floralicious Plus. I'll put it up against Liquid Karma any day. For hydro I use the GH 3 part for veg and the Nova for bloom along with the Floralicious Plus and ZONE from Dutch Master (that stuff is UNREAL for root development). I've had very good results.


Well-Known Member
yes, yes ZONE is the shit, good stuff. Hey GreenJumble, if you're gonna run aero I would go with the Flora Series, Nova is great but will clog the misters. I know people who swear by the Nova & Floralicious Plus, it really is worth the money. And keep in mind Fox Farm has a "Soil Grow" & "Hydroponic Grow", the big bloom and tiger bloom can be used for both though.