Nutri Plus feeding schedule...opinions or experience? Please


Active Member
Hi, am thinking on a few different feeding schedules, one of them is as follows:

NutriPlus Yield Master time release, grow and flow as base
nutri-start for babies
nutri-thrive throughout
nutri blossom+ for 1st week flow
nutri bud+ 3,4,5 (6) weeks flow

also foliar feeding:
nutri green-grow
nutri gold-pre-flow and flow
nutri c+m-flow

also using top dressings bat guano, alfalfa meal, and soil will be amended with a number of organics.

Any tips or advice? Things I should take out or add. Ingredients I can replace with cheaper home remedies (molasses) for c+m. Also, different product lines. Ive used AN but they are so expensive, nutri+ is much cheaper around here.

Ive asked my hydro store guy but he just keeps plugging advanced while not telling me much about other lines. He says advanced nutrients is scientists and that other lines are old hippies mixing ingredients together. Personally I am more partial to the old hippies:-o


Active Member
Im very curious about the nutriplus line and think I may give it a go. Guy at store told me that they are awesome - and that basically they are nearly identical in formulation to many of AN's nutes. Apparently AN put a bunch of their formulas in some scientific white papers and nutriplus recreated the products but made them a fraction of the cost. Let me know if you've tried them out since this was written. Or if anyone else has used them.

I have a sample quart of their black gold plus, about to incorporate it into the regime.


Hi, am thinking on a few different feeding schedules, one of them is as follows:

NutriPlus Yield Master time release, grow and flow as base
nutri-start for babies
nutri-thrive throughout
nutri blossom+ for 1st week flow
nutri bud+ 3,4,5 (6) weeks flow

also foliar feeding:
nutri green-grow
nutri gold-pre-flow and flow
nutri c+m-flow

also using top dressings bat guano, alfalfa meal, and soil will be amended with a number of organics.

Any tips or advice? Things I should take out or add. Ingredients I can replace with cheaper home remedies (molasses) for c+m. Also, different product lines. Ive used AN but they are so expensive, nutri+ is much cheaper around here.

Ive asked my hydro store guy but he just keeps plugging advanced while not telling me much about other lines. He says advanced nutrients is scientists and that other lines are old hippies mixing ingredients together. Personally I am more partial to the old hippies:-o


Well-Known Member
simple is better most of the time. when you need 5 differant ferts from the same company for the stages of the ganja they are taking your money and laughing all the way to the bank. even if it does work. use age old time tested methods and simple organics you'll have alot less worry and what the fuck went wrong moments. it is after all a weed and grows like one too.
8 differant things to that nutrient line??? for growing outdoor herb? that is just crazy your local hydro seller is an evil man go talk to your grandfather and spend a week in an organic garden you'll learn more than spending time in a lab with scientists.


Hi, am thinking on a few different feeding schedules, one of them is as follows:

NutriPlus Yield Master time release, grow and flow as base
nutri-start for babies
nutri-thrive throughout
nutri blossom+ for 1st week flow
nutri bud+ 3,4,5 (6) weeks flow

also foliar feeding:
nutri green-grow
nutri gold-pre-flow and flow
nutri c+m-flow

also using top dressings bat guano, alfalfa meal, and soil will be amended with a number of organics.

Any tips or advice? Things I should take out or add. Ingredients I can replace with cheaper home remedies (molasses) for c+m. Also, different product lines. Ive used AN but they are so expensive, nutri+ is much cheaper around here.

Ive asked my hydro store guy but he just keeps plugging advanced while not telling me much about other lines. He says advanced nutrients is scientists and that other lines are old hippies mixing ingredients together. Personally I am more partial to the old hippies:-o
Hey brother I don't know if ur currently still using nutri plus or not. I'm sure you are if Uve ever tried there line it's amazing in coco coir. I've had way better results with this then any other nutrient line. Stuffs very potent. Contact me with any questions u have.
I know this is an old post......

Is anyone else having problems with the pH levels? I run the full line of Nutri+ and when I check the res.....Holy smokes Its at 3.6. I need a ton of pH UP to compensate.

Trying this out for the first time....



Active Member
Yup I had problems tryin to get the PH up to 6.2 from around a 3.8. I mix my bytes in 5 gallon bucket from Home Depot it usually takes 17-18ml of PH up to go from 3.8 to a 6.2 depending on water temp with Bud+ It takes about 48ml the owner of the grow store I go to is an incredibly great grower and we use the same nutes Canna Terra full line catizyme rizio boost & PK + the Bud+ & Final Drive he says it is absolutely normal that the nutrient do this because of 2 ingredients in Bud+ the same thing happens with final drive I only have to add 30 mL 5 gallons Hope that helps I know it's late but I just found out about this sweet as pie personality the other day


Active Member
Old thread, but yes, these are nearly identical formulas of the AN Sensi Line even the additives are following suit as far as what is in them. I don't thiink they've made the adjustments for the pH Perfect solutions but are the same as the pre-pH Perfect generation.