I voted for General Hydroponics because I often use their dry fertilizers: MaxiGro, MaxiBloom, and KoolBloom.
Honestly, these dry ferts work as well for me as anything else, and I'm pretty much of a nute whore who's tried most everything. Dry ferts are easy to work with, being clean, easy to measure out, and highly concentrated.
Right now I'm running Cutting Edge Solutions' 3-part GH Flora knockoff. Actually, my plants like the Cutting Edge stuff even better than the GH stuff, but that's not a very scientific observation. Just personal...
An out-of-left-field contender for me is the Formula X from Cornucopia Plus. This one liquid is meant to be used throughout veg AND flower. So far, it's been scary good to my plants. I want to run some side-by-sides before I fly off the handle, but Formula X has the potential to outshine them all. It's that good.
CNS17 has always worked just fine, pretty much the same as GH Flora Series, the GH Maxi series, and the Cutting Edge 3-part series. These are all great, rock-solid performers. With each of these nutes making great fertilizer, and as cheap as they all are, any competitor has a pretty high standard to match.