Nutrient burn? Heat Stress? Deficiency? Overwatering? Underwatering? A little help.


Well-Known Member
ok sorry just seemed fishy..and then when he added his last comment advising to feed more i immediately thought he was either you or fucking with you because thats definitely bad advice..i guess he COULD actually think hes right cant have a deficiency on a seedling that small it just doesnt work that way so hes definitely wrong disregard what that guy says from here out...your plant will need normal water and it will take a couple days to come back from that mini disaster...i would not feed it at all for another week at least...i dont feed a single thing until my pants are about 8-12 inches and they tell me its time. you have to remember their are naturally nutrients in the dirt itself so as its roots expand on such a tiny structure the plant is able to take in everything it needs from the soil then when it gets a bit bigger the structure is too much for just what the soil has in it and you need to add nutes!


Well-Known Member
Overfeeding with an 8-8-8 anything isn't going to cause his plants to look like that. The top leaves are small, but look fine otherwise and they're eating the bottom leaves.

And how could you be saying his medium is bad? This isn't exactly what I'd call a mistake:

"Horticulture Grade Soil (Natural product of humus. Made on maturation by intense bacteria action of a mixture of organic matter, peat moss, medium loam and supplemented with inorganic super phosphate, muriate of potash, limestone, essential trace elements and fungicide)"


Well-Known Member
dont think i ever said his media is bad..i said he should transplant back into good media without adding any delay release nutes..didnt mean to imply his media is bad just didnt remember what he had when i was typing that....and no, actually OVERfeeding with any strength will cause his plants to look like that hence the meaning of the word overfeed..also understand that he may have added twice the recommended dose per gallon or watered too much causing extra fast release and it just became 16-16-16. with delay release you never know what strength is available to your roots. seedlings dont need additives, ever. you are wrong dude, i see why you think what your saying, but a seedling will never get a deficiency. the low level yellowing is caused by the heat stress from having a 400w hps right on the plant most likely but i still see some burn that could be nutes..ive already said twice including this post that his main problem was light placement but the nutes was a bad idea and could cause problems as well..bottom line doing what i said will fix all his problems..your suggestion, feeding it! which had he done and changed nothing else his seedling would have fried by now lol..
My first Medium was Garden Soil filled with time release fertilizers.

Second Medium (current, transplanted) is Horticulture Grade Soil with no added fertilizers just the stuff Churchhaze typed.

Growth is stunted at the moment. Don't feed it for another week then? The leaves are turning brown and crispy. I could squeeze it lightly and it would crumble..kinda like a bag of chips. The top part of the plant seems fine. Watering every 2 days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, perfect. That soil looks awesome. Don't feed them if you just put them in that new soil. I was confused and thought your picture was from when it was in your current soil, not the old.

My first Medium was Garden Soil filled with time release fertilizers.

Second Medium (current, transplanted) is Horticulture Grade Soil with no added fertilizers just the stuff Churchhaze typed.

Growth is stunted at the moment. Don't feed it for another week then? The leaves are turning brown and crispy. I could squeeze it lightly and it would crumble..kinda like a bag of chips. The top part of the plant seems fine. Watering every 2 days.
Thanks, buddy. When do I start feeding? Next week?

Also, is there such a thing as, say.. 3 bladed leaves "falling" off for new leaves (at the top)? The next set of leaves that are coming out are 5 bladed. Is there anyway I can speed the growth up? Or is it still shocked by the transplant?


Well-Known Member
Think about feeding when the plants start looking hungry. It should start to pickup by itself just by watering it when it's dry with the soil you're using now.
i use plagron light mix and young plants seem to like it but if you think its too strong you could add loads of perlite roots love it , as for feeding i dont feed until they ask for it during veg
uh oh.
IMG_0701.jpgIMG_0702.jpg16th May 2013.jpgIMG_0704.jpgIMG_0705.jpg

Did not water for almost 3 days. Just watered 5 minutes ago. The previous set of leaves (3 bladed) I was asking help for is yellowing out at a rapid rate, while the one above it is starting to show mild yellow spots, browning at tips and curling up also again, it is 3 bladed.

Lights are 1 feet away from plant (side ways, like a vertical grow).

EDIT: Added more pics. Brought plant outside of grow room to take a picture.

EDIT: Going to feed it with balanced NPK ratio 21-21-21 half a teaspoon now.
Foliar sprayed so it looks 'shiny' (water reflection) There are no burnt marks. Foliar spraying every 3 days. Misting with just water every other day.

20th May 2013.jpg

EDIT: It seems to really like the foliar spray. Also, when the lights are on and I get real close to sniff it... DAT SMELL.. SWEET MOTHER OF GOD.......

EDIT: Need help, female or male? Please ignore my thighs.


Spot is circled. Sorry my camera sucks (using Iphone) but describing in words.. It's two pointy things sticking out.

